new bad idea 

a play based on the events of the 1956 Dartmouth Workshop ( with a chorus of screaming rocks


new bad idea 

@ingrid Ray Solomonoff’s scanned notes are online!

new bad idea 


(For the avoidance of doubt: I’m not going to say Solomonoff was some kind of humanist saint, but I think a case could be made that his was one of the relatively less chicken-fried of the minds present for That Fateful Summer.)

new bad idea 

@ingrid (I was thinking about this in a similar but less musical-theatreuh–based context and did some Wikipedia-level reading on what was going on in 1956 and honestly it’s kind of amazing what a nexus of American everything the previous 18 months had been.)

new bad idea 

@ingrid (The polio vaccine, the Montgomery bus boycott, the English translation of “the Second Sex”, “Tutti Frutti”, the début of “Howl”, the referendum in Vietnam – a whole bunch of the things that were about the be The Sixties were present and active in the world but the dots were not connected.)

new bad idea 

@ingrid Anyway, all I’m saying is the set designer is going to be able to project some pretty ironic headlines over center stage.

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Horsin' Around

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