It would be extremely funny if the big social media companies’ lobbying and PR* against Tiktok is what gets us a real privacy law.
* Think about how many stories you’ve seen about Upsetting Tiktok Trends from outlets that don’t normally cover social media. That’s PR spoor. And the current dominant platforms’ predecessors did it to them.
Joint NASA, CNES Water-Tracking Satellite SWOT Reveals First Stunning Views
@meetar That guy breaking in looks just like you. You may be in some type of Soviet sf.
I’ve closed a lot of tabs of “well, obviously cognition is computation” or “well, obviously cognition is not computation” or “clearly, truth is/isn’t XYZ” or whatever. These are far-reaching arguments that depend in super nuanced ways on a whole shelf of context. They’re weighing you down, not helping, when you want to say is “merely” something like “this model is/isn’t useful in that context and will have these larger consequences”.
Free scare quotes to distribute as you see fit: “ ” “ ” “ ”
Perhaps there is a narrower way to make your case about what the software is doing, and it might make your case more convincing to people who don’t happen to subscribe to that particular grand theory of how cognition works.
Maybe a better way to say the thing I’m trying to say is that a whole lot of people who feel a desperate urge to tell the world (1) “ANNs are better than us and also the new bitcoin, which is good” or (2) “actually, ANNs actually aren’t even real, actually” is: If you start by tying your sense of what a piece of software is doing to a massive, categorical, totally abstract philosophical idea about the nature of being itself, maybe go outside and look at the stars for a minute.
You might maybe think that with BookTok selling a gajillionty five books and whatnot (, the Big 5 publishers would maybe pull it together and focus on what's actually threatening their profits, rather than IDK suing the Internet Archive for acting like a library.
But instead we live here, in Mr Toad's Wild Ride.
@hans It’s an important and well-defined question that I suggest we argue about for as long as possible.
@meetar I can give you my absolute guarantee that it might.
For now, I need to work on developing more stretch without knocking it down too much. Next time I might roll them out. Or maybe I’m too worried about knocking it down.
Have given up on this “let’s find a moderate perspective on ‘AI’ and stop yelling” essay about a dozen times, then restarted it about a dozen times when I read something that got under my skin, and now it’s just 7,000 words of me pointing out that everyone other than me is wrong without a conclusion, so I guess I’m going to work on my baguette shaping technique some more.
history of medicine / death
Looked up some archaic medical terms and apparently a thing that appears on death certificates is “body trouble”. I’m sure this is a euphemism for something incredibly sad, but I’m just imagining a doctor shrugging like a mechanic. “Best as I can tell, they had a problem with their insides.”
I would like to direct your attention to the Kentucky Health Justice Network, out doing trans health and abortion support in a state that just took a kick to the head today with the new forced-detransition and don’t-say-gay combo bill.
Let’s make sure they have the funds they need to do everything they possibly can, yeah?
You know him on the internet. Eucalypt-adjacent; very occasional writer. Consulting and passively looking for work in geospatial, image processing, and related fields.