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@meetar Putting in this in my “to read more fully and consider at length” bookmarks folder.

I finally got around to creating some lists here on Mastodon:
- Internet royalty
- Embalmed persons
- Those who are highly trained
- Those who use the word "octothorpe"
- Strays
- Members of the Antimemetics Division
- Those included in the present classification
- Those who shiver as if they are cold
- Those who are not countable
- Components of group minds
- Others
- Those who have just broken a cherished coffee mug
- Those who from a long way off look like punctuation

@nasser They’re much easier to get down with a little water or milk anyway.

– Added a nav element
– with an RSS link.
– More than doubled the minimalism.
– Slightly better about page.
– Still needs a posting tool and a rewrite of the generator.

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@kingrat 2024 is the year of saying what I think all the time! It’s going to be wonderful!

You think I’m off on my weird hobbyhorse again but I assure you this is already doing big numbers on early modern Netherlandish Mastodon. All the most respected scholars of critical tulip studies are starring it.

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“The tulip mania is an irrational speculative bubble that will collapse because tulips are not actually beautiful; beauty happens in the soul, you misguided fools, therefore tulips are actually very ugly, QED” I write in Antwerp in 1635.

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My kingdom for a web font that I like and that has italic small caps.

Think through your arguments before you hit send, you cowards.

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I wish I wish I wish we could see a few more commentators able to say that (1) we are getting exploited, railroaded, and played by the usual forces of capital in a whole new way here – without coupling it to the, to me, extremely extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmeeeeeeeellllyyyyy bad/evil take that (2) the only real thing in the world is a kind of truth that physically resides in the heads of Homo sapiens.

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I can’t come to dinner yet, babe, I’m pattern-matching that this is a tech hype bubble and then regurgitating the kinds of things people say about tech hype bubbles with only a symbolic-level understanding in order to own the LLMs.

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Three (3) times today I have hopped on Mastodon and 3 (three) times I have seen a different version of exactly the same thing: a solid economic take on why the vampire squids hyping “AI” are terrible coupled to a wildly underthought to borderline incoherent philosophical/technical interpretation that the good critique didn’t even depend on. Twice this happened and then one more whole separate time.

72 h backward trajectories for northern Jutland and Falster, respectively, explain the huge temperature difference observed momentarily in Denmark. Snow storm in the north and lots of rain in the south.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.