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Anyway, the trick is, you take a low discrepancy sequence on a sphere (I used R[2] and a Lambert azimuthal projection) and use those angles as lines to sample depth – a measure of centrality – along; you map these angle samples over your points and reduce with min(), and you get an approximation of Tukey’s multivariate depth, which is a generalization of the median (or quantile). I may explain this better eventually but then again I may not.

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A wonderful thing about image processing is you’re always discovering completely new and fascinating ways to make pictures look worse.

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Made a little thing to take fast approximate multivariate medians, at no small cost to my sanity, and it turns out that when I apply it to pixels in California Landscapes time lapse videos (e.g., it’s mostly just Compression Artifact Finder 2023 Pro Edition.

Curmudgeonliness & LLMs 

Partly I think the Anti faction seems to be doing a reasonable job of shifting from a “say scary and sweeping things at random to see what sticks” to “let’s try to articulate what actually concerns us here”, and that’s good. I am still not a card-carrying member of that camp, but I think it’s being a lot more honest now than it was in March, and I respect that.

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Curmudgeonliness & LLMs 

I still think the discourse around LLMs right now is bad. By which I mean: most of the stuff I see on my feeds, boosted by people I like and whose ideals I tend to share, seems intellectually lazy, politically shortsighted, rhetorically misdirected, etc., in ways worse than we accept on other topics.

And yet! The average quality has gone way up over the last few months. And that gives me some hope.

Roughly 15% of my free time is spent thinking about the paragraph in the Wikipedia article on surface plates that points out that they originate precision.

Wear thy masks, children. The scourge is upon us once more, and the clerics are fearsome silent. (Sent from my virus ridden bedroom)

@merrysky Do you consider these discontinuities (on late Tuesday, here) a bug, or a more or less acceptable artifact of merging models?

The craft mat I use as a mousepad is 8 inches or 20 cm wide. It’s a lot of rain in 48 hours.

Learning enough linear algebra to make ad-hoc fixes that I don’t really understand to problems I caused.

Just remembered the dream from a few nights ago where I got an antique scientific calculator with exquisite cassette futurism styling, like a high-end camera from 1981, and the only problem was it ran on six D batteries.

There’s an unspoken feeling of dread in the meteorology community when reporting on natural disasters.

And once it happens, that feeling can turn to distress or even sorrow.

Give yourself the time to process those emotions and to mourn those we’ve lost.

Hey friends, @beep's exceptionally good, concise primer on unionizing your tech workplace, You Deserve a Tech Union, is ALMOST HERE.

I've read it and it's *excellent* and of course Ethan's the best.

You can pre-order it here, and there's even a link to email the publisher if you need a pricing accommodation.

Or there are lots of other ways to support the book:

#union #YDATUbook

HOW INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS got an amazing (starred!) review from Publisher's Weekly, with a really wonderful summary of the main themes of the book and concluding with:

"Written in a distinctive style that is both conversational and erudite, this is an accessible and enjoyable account. Readers will be engrossed. " [!!!]

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2020: “It’s so beautiful to see the whole world united to prevent mass suffering and death.”

2021: “well maybe people don’t understand that the vaccines don’t block transmission but at least high vaccine uptake will reduce hospital load”

2022: “eventually the math will just work out that enough people will know someone personally with long covid that they’ll realize they need to act”

2023: “yeah there’s no upper limit to the amount of suffering and death people will tolerate.”

I don’t understand how COVID is spiking again after we’ve tried everything from pretending it’s over to pretending it never happened

Watching the scramble to figure out if LK-99 is an Actual Thing™ is fun, but I'm hearing comments like "If it's real it'll mean high-speed trains everywhere!"

My dude, we could ALREADY have high-speed trains everywhere. The resistance in the wires isn't the thing that's blocking it from happening.

Big week for federal news, which means that as a person raised in Washington I have a continual headache from beaming powerful hate rays out of my forehead at people who refer to DC as Washington.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.