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“The present IP system can be abused by actors powerful enough to abuse all of our legal systems, therefore we need a much more restrictive IP system” really isn’t clicking for me.

A simple but reliable cooking tip: reheat last night’s beans.

I’ve always been a bit suspicious of the idea that ENSO doesn’t matter to the weather of the US’s west coast, but okay, in ERA5 anything beyond a small positive temperature correlation is lost in the noise:

This was so fun -- I spent an afternoon wandering around Boston talking with Sophia Nguyen of the Washington Post for this profile.

Storm drains! Nondescript network hubs! Spaceship Deb! How I crashed and burned in my senior year and how it all worked out (hi, students!))

Just heard Ava DuVernay say in an interview that the reference she gave Bradford Young for “Selma” was Paul Fusco’s astonishing series of photos from RFK’s funeral train:

I guess I’m glad YouTube shifted their comment algorithm to bring positive ones to the top, but it is slightly weird that everything I watch now has a first comment explaining that it’s the greatest human achievement and can never be surpassed.

Even fairly critical and intellectually ornery people sure do like saying things like “All the knowledge in the world is at our fingertips!” when I can’t, like, figure whether it’s reasonably ethical to buy coconut sugar without three hours of research deep enough that I start rolling my eyes when I see a certain author’s name come up. This isn’t even about LLMs or regular-style propaganda.

Fun to think of this from the perspective of a bit of information from a seismograph, which has a little window in which it can’t outrun the waves in the ground.

“Vim is actually very easy to use if you have the intended input hardware” is an example of a low-effort, recognition-based joke that I would never stoop to make here.

Okay, here we are:

Posted while running out the door to carve pumpkins. There are probably a few TKs and such, and I didn’t spellcheck it. (Visual Studio Code doesn’t do that, apparently, at least on Ubuntu?)

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Its really fucking me up that neoplasm and pleonasm both refer to extraneous things (tissue, words) but are etymologically unrelated

Should I finish a devlog about this even though it’s getting a bit out of hand and probably makes errors about the math I had to learn?

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They should make a kind of linear algebra that I can enjoy.

Very few people should implement all of ISO 8601 – it’s more complex than you might think – and I have reservations about recommending any standard that isn’t freely available anyway, but RFC 3339 is right there. Right there! And it’s really good!

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Sometimes when I’m a joyless pedant about using SI units, formatting them in standard ways, etc., I’m dialing it up to 130% and making a little bit of fun of myself and others.

This time, I’m actually mad. Don’t do this kind of thing.

So infrastructure, Chachra reminds us, is a form of mutual aid. It's a gift we give to ourselves, to each other, and to the people who come after us. Any rugged individualism is but a thin raft, floating on an ocean of mutual obligation, mutual aid, care and maintenance.
by @pluralistic

The Seattle area at night, in color, from a stack of Landsat 9 scenes. Denoised with some clumsy FFT editing. I can’t imagine why you would use this for anything over one of many other options, but it’s neat that it works.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.