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two vast and lossless oggs of vorb

How I know I don’t have telekinesis is there hasn’t been a multi-year rash of human combustion incidents by cooking influencers who take a bite of the dish they just made and performatively smile like they’re honestly amazed how good it is and the camera just happened to catch that totally unplanned moment of spontaneous joy.

I love #Wikipedia (@wikipedia) as a reader but hate it as an author / contributor. This article explains why.

PS: Imagine how much more effective W would be at informing users, documenting facts, and countering misinformation if it had a healthier editing culture.

Every time we go to Lost Landscapes I look around at the crowd of vaguely artsy, apologetic-looking nerds and think “I must know like 20% of the people here online.”

Hey, friends, I’m giving an online lecture on HOW INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS tomorrow (Monday) evening EST, as part of the Smithsonian’s educational programming.

If you’ve wanted to see images to go along with what I talk about in the book, here’s a chance!

I’m constructing algorithmic central planners for these pixels. It has pretty much nothing to do with the thing venture capitalists are interested in.

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Telling people I’m using my highly parallel coprocessor to implement some nonlinear optimization techniques invented to manage the USSR’s economy so I don’t have to hear “Oh, you’re doing AI stuff?” ever again.

Oh, this is so cool! The Mars Odyssey spacecraft pointed its camera at the martian horizon. Definitely check out the emedded video nararrated by the ever-awesome Dr. Laura Kerber. She has very clear explanations of why this is so neat.

Some years ago, I was walking from the kitchen back to my office at Google, carrying a piece of cake on a plate flat on my hand. There was a path between the desks, and walking towards me were Henry Kissinger followed by Eric Schmidt.

Eric saw what I had in my hand, and locked eyes with me. I was as tempted as I have ever been, but in the interests of world peace and keeping my job I kept my hand where it was, where it then passed just a few inches from Kissinger's face.

Let’s set aside petty politics and remember the great statesman in his own words, committing one of his several unimaginably gruesome crimes against humanity.

This is adjacent on one side to the corrosive forces of fame. On another side, to something I think of as the Linguist Scicomm Problem, which is a pattern in science communication where you spend so much time rebutting people’s surface-level misconceptions that you never get to anything else. (Thinking of online linguists who keep explaining that linguistics is descriptive and never actually get to the, you know, linguistics.)

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A bad thing about social media is this pattern where a person with expertise starts rebutting bad ideas, and it’s great, but over time it primes them to see everyone who doesn’t hold exactly their opinions as part of a horde of goons with terrible ideas, because that’s who they end up interacting with.

Eventually their online persona is, like, Truth Gladiator. And that’s so much less interesting and important to me than Thoughtful Person With Useful Perspectives.

Do I know anyone here who does scientific illustration, especially in the Northwest US? If so, I might have an opportunity to pass along. Feel free to DM and forward if you know of someone.

#SciComm #ScientificIllustration #ScienceJobs

Remote sensing folks: where can I find nontrivial amounts of openly licensed ~10 cm (or better) aerial hyperspectral data?

It’s called the Agreeing With Charlie Method and it has the potential to streamline many aspects of our society.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.