“1. Select the data type and date.
2. Download the PDF and print it on your printer.
3. Create a globe according to the instructions on the paper.”
Moving to a restricted vocabulary for the holidays where I only use the attested Basque–Icelandic pidgin phrases: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basque%E2%80%93Icelandic_pidgin#Pidgin_phrases
I’ve been wondering why I didn’t see sliced optimal transport used to make cartograms, so this weekend I tried it. It worked reasonably well. My instance was down so I posted most of the experiments on Bluesky, but here’s the most elaborate one – red is population, green is Foursquare POI, and blue is modeled GDP (all normalized so there are ~2.5e6 of each): https://xoc.s3.amazonaws.com/also/five.mp4
I feel like half the time I read something anonymized to protect human lifeways and artifacts, exploitable wild species, etc., it contains the equivalent of “here at ‘Penny Station’ at ‘8th Blvd’ and ‘Western 31st St’ in ‘Mew Yonk Sooty’,”.
If you’re writing an ethnography and you want to keep your study site anonymous, don’t put a map on the flyleaf and write a bunch of things about “an area of sandstone outcroppings to the north” or “the village is built at the first rapids on the river” or “here at the edge of the forest” or whatever.
New project finally out! ALA Lens is work for the Atlas of Living Australia, Australia's open biodiversity data aggregator.
Adrian Mackenzie and I used a combination of experimental design and social research to develop rich new interfaces for digital biodiversity.
Take it for a spin, and if you enjoy it please share: https://labs.ala.org.au/lens/
uspol / canpol
Just for example, I think it’s entirely questionable whether there would ever have been a Trump without a Rob Ford and a Stephen Harper.
The rest of the English-speaking world complains about American-style politics, and they are right to do so, but it is not at all a one-way flux. We’re all in this together.
I am once again asking people who want to make silly jokes about how peaceful, thoughtful Canada pities its weird southern neighbor to learn even a little bit about the consistent violence, disorder, and moral cowardice of Canadian political history that hides under the “your sensible friend” branding. (Note I’m not saying Canada is worse than the US in this way. I’m saying it’s not categorically better.)
This is your regular SAFETY REMINDER that the tickmarks printed along the bottom of your mail, possibly in very faint ink that you have to double-check is there, is just your address encoded digitally. If you are covering your address for a photo, you MUST cover the tickmarks too!
[Do not send me long-winded whines that it's not teeeeeeeechnically your address at least in the US postal system, just the location of your mailbox, as if that's not quite equivalent for all practical safety purposes]
I would just like to assure everyone with a strong opinion about a huge, complex, social topic that you’re really close to winning everyone over if you can just post three or four more specific incidents that really demonstrate your argument. Those compelling examples of single things will finally prove the general case. Just point out a few more instances of someone wearing sandals winning a charity raffle or a bingo game and we’ll all believe sandals are lucky. Keep going! Almost there!
You know him on the internet. Eucalypt-adjacent; very occasional writer. Consulting and passively looking for work in geospatial, image processing, and related fields.