
just noticed that the guy sitting across from me in the NARA reading room has a sticker on his laptop that says "Socialism Sucks" and one that just says "Capitalism"

Hope he doesn't notice my antifa "Live Laugh Love" sticker oops

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honestly still amazed that someone is out there making stickers that just say "Capitalism" in the Coca-Cola font and that sticker has an audience

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I guess no one would make a sticker that said "Communism" or "Anarchism" because those have cool symbols already? Weird of capitalism of all the ideologies to not really have a logo I guess

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@migurski @joshua line go up arguably a better symbol for capitalism than currency, yes

@ingrid somebody get Peter Arnall on the case: “breathtaking capitalism”. “The gravitational pull of capital.” “Capitalism’s proposition.”

@ingrid "feels as in escapable as the divine right of kings" and all that.

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Horsin' Around

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