Show more this week in sentences: treating fences, backwards baseball cap, a number of people, the situation, but mostly, the hardest thing she'd ever do

@phil thanks it is good to be reminded I'm not as much of a fuckup as I think I am

@divya apparently the third one was secret until recently?? I don't understand how one hides a baby

@phil given the choice between "doing nothing with my life" and the something with my life being children with Elon Musk??? I embrace the nothing

Most days these days I feel like a fuckup but you know it helps to remember that Grimes and I are pretty close in age and I made it to my late 30s without having three children with undoubtedly The Worst Guy, so there's that

@JustMe what if opening a printmaking studio slash event space is EXACTLY a logical way to make money in this economy hahaha

Indulging in my toxic trait of looking at storefronts for rent in my neighborhood when I have literally negative $300 to my name (side note, love how the stress of financial instability makes me think I should stop seeing a therapist, the activity that helps me avoid spiraling out over stressful stuff)

You know how people always say "you can't really know what's going on with someone just based on social media" that's not true for me, a depressed person

This morning in #Atlanta five people, including faith leaders and community members, chained themselves to equipment at the construction site of the Cop City project.

"There is a war happening against protesters. If we don’t stand up for our right to protest now, standing up in the future will be in vain. Cop city is in the process of being built and this can only continue if we allow it," said Ayeola, one of the protesters arrested on site.

Regarding the referendum against Cop City, Ayeola said, "As Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens fights against our right to stop cop city via the ballot, we must continue our struggle to stop the project with direct actions like sit-ins, boycotts, and blockades."

"This movement cannot be won with a ballot alone; we must organize together for mass direct actions if we want to have a chance at protecting our community and saving our planet."

"Despite the repressive tactics of authorities who wish to disenfranchise the community and charge protestors with domestic terrorism and RICO, people of faith will continue to act to resist the militarization of our society," said Reverend Dave Dunn.

All of the protesters gathered outside of the construction site for the support rally were able to get away safely.

The construction of Cop City and the destruction of the South River Forest have continued despite over 100,000 Atlanta residents signing a ballot initiative calling for a referendum on the issue. The City of Atlanta has fought the referendum with technical obstructions.

On Tuesday, Georgia Attorney General Christopher Carr announced indictments against 61 cop city protestors on RICO and money laundering charges. These charges are in addition to the dozens of domestic terrorism charges that have been levied against cop city protestors.

Civil rights groups across the country have condemned the charges, and in June Dekalb County District Attorney Sherry Boston announced that her office would not join the State in the prosecution of the domestic terrorism charges, citing a lack of evidence.

Cop City would be the largest police training compound in the United States, and would train police from around the world in militarized tactics. The initial phases of the construction of the facility has already destroyed 85 acres of the South River forest, a critical ecological resource situated in a majority black community.

On January 18th Georgia State Police shot and killed Manuel "Tortuguita" Terán as they camped in the South River Forest to protest Cop City. An independent autopsy found that they had their hands up in the air and were sitting cross-legged when they were killed. No gunpowder residue was found on their hands.

Via @defendATLforest

a very fun part of doing RIP Corp is occasionally I get to use it to interview people I just really admire and respect, last night I got to talk about conflict minerals with the researcher whose book really helped me wrap my head around the topic and its discontents and it was so cool to geek out with him

so broke but genuinely believe seeing lauren mayberry perform next weekend will solve several of my problems

@schwinghamer yeah, I think that fear can be a big part of it for bystanders which sucks! And I worried about making the situation worse for her if she didn't walk away from the guy, how he'd turn it around on her (like "you humiliated me in public")

Abusive behavior in public 

Had a familiar awful moment of solidarity on the subway as we exchanged "wtf" looks over the very shitty way a guy was talking to I guess his girlfriend. One guy started to say something when I was getting off but I think no one was sure whether or how to intervene. Turns out when you really need to use it bystander intervention tips just totally evaporate from your brain and you're just panicked!

@beep it's a bit on how Ricardo's concept of competitive advantage is based on an extremely ahistorical analysis of the English textile industry

@migurski he's clowning on Ricardo and his framing of competitive advantage

I'm so mad that I now understand the specific economic concept that Marx was making fun of with the "linens and coats" bit

Capital is just an extremely verbose diss track for nerds

TFW the new girlfriend hard launch on IG is how you find out about someone's divorce

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.