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Went to a talk by Eyal Weizman and he basically just riffed for an hour and a half--brilliantly, amazingly, poetically--without slides and then went "ok now I'll show you some forensic architecture" and showed us some evidence of war crimes and THEN after the talk said "no questions, for I have no answers--please rambling comments only"

Incredible, no notes

can some Obsidian power users please tell me about their setup, it seems super nice and flexible but as far as using it for organizing projects I'm a little at a loss and learning other people's workflows sometimes helps this week in sentences: truculent realities, relationship with geography, dread sustains, overladen, courageous (and not altogether successful), this exotic example

Maybe the economy hasn't been "good" ever since the late 1980s when the top 1%'s share of income bypassed the bottom 50%'s? Feel like these guys telling me the economy is good actually aren't looking at the data

@jenlowe NYC hellos still happen! Though most of the time when I experience this children are saying hello to Kitty

The Ones Who Produce Speculative Design Imagining Different Futures For Omelas

@molly0xfff @anildash this is incredible thank u for your service of reading this entire stupid book

how the hell does a metal water bottle develop a pinprick leak

Everyone always asking for Mads Mikkelson they don't even notice Sads Mikkelson

really miss my expired debit cart that had the 3 digit code 420, always made customer service people chuckle whenever I had to provide a card over the phone

every February I have to decide whether or not to renew

Academia life 

Just got comments back from my first peer reviewed journal article and the peers really liked it!? Minor revisions but pretty manageable. Very relieved!!

@darius the data center is still a Christmas tree farm it just does all the compute on LED Christmas lights, which is definitely technically feasible

Hallmark Christmas movie where a tech executive comes from the big city to get an AI data center built on the town Christmas tree farm

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.