this week in sentences: too much evidence, baroque architecture, through a computer, consistency of a milkshake, candle purchasing, rasps, clover, bright shrapnel, distinct flavour, threats
To be clear I would not trade this, the sitting on a couch crying with my dog, for anything in the world, I can't believe my luck getting to have this dog
@pete they take turns in each role not a casting I would have expected but we love to see an Armenian-American character actor winning!!
(to the tune of "Secret Tunnel" from ATLA) sludge filled tunnel / burning your skin / sludge filled tunnel / toxic toxic sludge filled tunnel this week in sentences: a crystal without faces, where there is dirt, expensive, one's hammer, mistaking a melancholy, something forgotten, another problem
@bookish nothing rude about getting enough fiber imo
Nex Benedict's death in Oklahoma is a story of the hate that has been unleashed in recent years. Following ongoing bullying because they were nonbinary, Nex was severely injured in a fight at school on Feb. 7 and died a day later. This story, and their life, matters.
dog health stuff
the vet confirmed something I'd been worried about which is that Kitty is showing signs of degenerative myelopathy, which means she's slowly losing mobility in her hind legs and there's kind of no way to stop or slow it down. she's not in pain, and she's in early stages, but it's a reminder that we're probably not going to have more than 1-2 more years with her. this week in sentences: apprehension, anthropocenic geology, the decency to unscrew, wither, withdrawn, an avoidable duck, Antarctica
I just published a letter in @washingtonpost on the CDC's potential change in COVID isolation guidelines.
"COVID isn’t over, and we shouldn’t act like it is"