thinking too much about couches
@platypus can't even get to first base with the futon in our living room
#Ireland’s #datacentres overtake #electricity use of all urban homes combined
Statistics raise concerns that rise in demand for #data processing driven by #AI could derail #climate targets
@jmaxsfu unfortunately I have scheduled obligations in August but fortunately a grant is paying for it
Research published in Nature Geoscience has found that polymetallic nodules—the subject of highly controversial plans for deep sea mining for technology metals—are a source of oceanic oxygenation.
The paper suggests the nodules electrolyse seawater due to their positive charge (up to 0.95V). These geological deposits, formed over millenia and now sought after for their battery metals, are already producing electrical phenomena with an ecological value.
@ian thanks I'm excited to save five grand on health insurance costs
Also on this call he had to tell them we're getting married so this was a real rollercoaster of a day this week in sentences: Werewolf Month, first theft, gendered, exhausting, rectangles and, hackers, worms
live now at, will start reading names in a few minutes
@aparrish thrown out of my own wedding bc I wrote my own vows and they're just me going "in this economy" in various funny voices
Why should I be excited to have Kathy Hochul involved in my relationship via paperwork I ask you
As the grad student in the relationship I so rarely get to be the one bringing financial benefits to the household so that's nice but god I don't want to make a thing of it