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UnitedHealth recently helped kill single-payer health care legislation in California.

Gov. Gavin Newsom backed off his previous support of the idea -- after he & Dems received huge money from UnitedHealth donors.

You ever find yourself hoping you have cancer and then not going to the doctor so that if you do have cancer it'll be too late by the time you get it checked out

Feeling pretty demoralized and alienated and not sure why I should keep doing stuff! It's not great this week in sentences: the old rug that ties, fish physiology, on the other hand, a deeply inconvenient hour, big soup, just as America, in terms of the sorrow, sexless hydrogen

Was sent a picture of a Tesla with a US Army sticker and a vanity plate that reads "YAS CEO" and look maybe Skynet was right about humanity

what are we using for managing domain names these days, reaching my breaking point w gandi

Chancery Court sounds like a Victorian heroine, perhaps a lady detective

Update: successful nap but still a little too groggy to do stuff today

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🚨EVENT!🚨 LaborTech's End-of-Year Showcase!

**Happening Thurs, Dec 12-Fri, Dec 13**

Come for discussions on how to organize, research, & teach around labor + tech issues, with spotlights on South Asia and Latin America!

For more info/to RSVP:

Slept badly but still got up at 6 to take the Amtrak to Delaware this morning, only to get a message from my advisor once I arrived at Penn Station that she's cancelling seminar today on account of a fever. I cancelled the train tickets for a cash refund and went home. Now in that hazy state of too much caffeine for a nap but too tired to be functional

This is meant neutrally but sounds mean sorry 

tiny lady actors with extraordinary vocal ranges remind me of chihuahas a little, the lung power is a defense against being small in a huge world

I had to break the news of Kitty's death to a guy who knew her from the dog park today, hadn't seen him in a while, and it's sort of left me intermittently weepy all day

This is a picture of her from two years ago today, I miss her so much


submitted an application to yet another sorta-longshot teaching job, please clap

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.