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Going to eat an entire pie this evening, for David Lynch

Just want to plug how absolutely terrific the latest RIP Corp podcast episode is about the Wing’s downfall, along with some really timely thoughts about the end of the girlboss era in light of the next administration. Thanks for this great listen, @ingrid!!

Useless Projection #6: The Asymmetric Monstrosity. A combination of the sinusoidal, Mollweide, Equal Earth, and cylindrical equal-area projections. It's all equal-area, so it's suitable for the classroom.

(I now have a goal for this year: make an elaborate wall map in this projection).

Had a moment of who the fuck did Wilkinson lose the Oscar to and oh, ok it was Javier Bardem for No Country For Old Men. Tough year

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Might watch Michael Clayton tonight I apologize in advance for any live posting through it we wrapped this episode of RIP Corp way back in late Nov/early Dec but for various reasons it's dropping now—can't decide if reflecting on the legacy and limits of resistance grift is timely or just sad, but still think we did a mostly good job

@CD_Newton oh yeah, Shopify is extremely bad at international postage calculations for me (I mean, probably I'm just bad at navigating their settings). International postage doesn't completely zero out the sale, it's just a bigger chunk than domestic shipping.

I felt weird sharing this amidst posts about LA fires so: 50% of sales made this week will go to the ARC Firefighter Fund (for prisoners firefighters)

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Just added a collection of small-ish (8inx8in) plotter drawings to my store: if you have seen these "buy my drawings" posts but found them a little out of budget these ones are all $20-25! And pretty cute IMO.

Free our feeds snark 

I'm sorry I'm too cynical to believe that the person who ran The Markup into the ground can fix social media this week in sentences: piss bush, cultural homeland, untethered, Diet Coke, real shit, smells of exhaustion, struggling to incorporate cancer, a living insect, constitutionally bitchmade, superego, dead on their feet, waifu capsule, fight a mist, shower drain

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.