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one of those questions that on 2009-2015 twitter probably would have rustled up an expert: what is the history of referring to certain materials as "humble"? reading a book on commodities where the ~humility~ of various minerals gets invoked a lot, curious when/how that language became commonplace. Is it a Bible thing? Feels like maybe a Bible thing

A practitioner’s guide to auditing algorithms and hypothesis-driven investigations

Come join the #STS ride 😄 Wonder what kind of theorizing and data analysis techniques you will find on this train 😎 not to mention the people 🤩

Computers that stop working less than 5 years after they first go on sale should be illegal—not fit for purpose under consumer protection law.

@phil Phil he is doing a musical based on The Warriors and now I am the Joker

Mental health 

@aredridel it is a powerful feeling and I am not a fan of it!! But it has hands!!

Mental health 

Always struggle with the "no time for despair" framing and the way it implies there's an indulgence to sorrow, as though one is losing in the fight of one's life simply out of laziness or not trying hard enough. I would love to feel other feelings!!

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Mental health 

On the one hand I agree with the observation from Rebecca Solnit that despair is a valid feeling but it's not an analysis

On the other, I *feel* pretty strongly like I want to die sometimes and sometimes the feeling is too intense to really *analyze* it

@ivan @nasser oh no Freddy! Lots of love to him and hope for a speedy recovery

School, anxiety, school anxiety 

Anyway I think I'm pretty well useless for the rest of the day from the cortisol of this non-update, goodnight

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School, anxiety, school anxiety 

@karengregory either way this goes I'm probably going to have a nervous breakdown? But not until like, November.

@ken oh my goodness I'm so sorry Ken that's a lot of stress to have on top of heartbreak, fuck

School, anxiety, school anxiety 

School starts August 29 this is utterly deranged

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School, anxiety, school anxiety 

@danhon honestly why not I've tried a lot of angles here but not that

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.