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School, anxiety, school anxiety 

The entire point of doing a PhD was to get some stability and in the absence of that this all starts to feel pretty pointless!! Maybe it is time to walk into the sea

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School, anxiety, school anxiety 

Found out I will have to wait one more week to learn whether I am funded for the fall semester and my anxiety is so bad I briefly considered dropping out just to have some certainty, ha ha ha

Feel like getting a PhD does actually mean you're a Certified Freak

@teamseaslug there's some cool shit with vampires later on but you mostly got it

Making a live action movie that feels like an anime (eg John Wick) is OK

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This applies to pretty much every attempt to do live action versions of anime, I guess

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Watching Ghost in the Shell and it is amazing anyone thought doing a live action adaptation was necessary apparently economists don't have to read Capital, I am still annoyed about this

To be fair this book is basically "an economist just found out commodities are real things from places" my expectations should be lower

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So after the author goes all gee whiz concrete can end poverty, he gets into the carbon footprint of it and all the negative impacts which to me reads as very like "we can solve poverty or stop climate change but not both!!" Seems like a bad way to frame this!

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Also has lines like "Sand is what will help us pull millions out of destitution and poverty" re: concrete and that "us" vs "millions" makes some interesting assumptions!! Also he's talking about concrete which, my guy

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I just. Think. If you want to write about silica just say that!! Calling it sand is sloppy!!

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Oh no I'm reviewing a book about "the six raw materials that make civilization" and I'm already furious at it because it conflates sand and rock quartz

Once again facing the impossible to answer question of "are you the worst person in the world undeserving of any compassion or just tired and hungry"

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.