this week in sentences: heedless abandon, clean emptiness, annelid worm, gray loaf, a good time, it would cuss you out, spaghetti clubs, not beauty
also: I will probably end sales on the quarterly plotter postcards I'm doing this year soon, it's just easier to plan with a fixed edition size. get em while the getting is good:
I added two new plotter editions to my online store, one that's pricey and one that's pretty cheap: and
“South Africa is not bringing up fringe accounts. It's reminding everyone of what has been in front of our faces these last 100 days.”
@rowmyboat perfect title!!
'Impossible' to create fabulous coat without stealing Dalmatian puppies says woman this week in sentences: precision itself, soak his powers in urine, frozen lake, pixel-patterns, beaver-seeking, military secret, scurrying, hot lead
more actors who would be better as murderbot than Handsome Skarsgard
Jesus Christ I get it mastodon, Murderbot doesn't do gender and I'm a bad audiobook listener please get over yourselves
more actors who would be better as murderbot than Handsome Skarsgard
I think it might just be because of Kevin Free reading the audiobook but I really did not picture Murderbot as white? Hence the following picks:
- Idris Elba (if we insist on making Murderbot jacked which, not sure it's necessary)
- Honestly, jacked Kumail Nanjani could maybe pull it off, again assuming we need Murderbot to be jacked
- Justice Smith (so good at deeply awkward)
- Jeffrey Wright (see also: Westworld)
it's not even that I think a) arts orgs are some kind of tipping point that will change the trajectory or b) I even believe that this org has a ton to offer but they've been fundraising using POC and specifically Arab Muslim (and an antizionist Israeli who has been putting himself on the line a lot!) alums as evidence of their social justice bona fides and it just feels really gross! and I was mad!
might have burned a bridge today (called the ED of an arts org I hold near and dear to my heart "a coward" after he hemmed and hawed about the org's non-position on the genocide in Gaza while not actually using the word "Palestine" for about an hour) but apparently after I left the call it got a lot more productive so maybe I just took one for the team
I remind you again that all the worst people have understood that magic is real and have worked to implement that understanding to the ends of grift, greed, and power-grabs; understand what that means and learn how to fight back.
"Crypto hedge fund CEO may not exist; probe finds no record of identity"