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meta mastodon talk 

Something @nasser and I were talking about last night: one way of thinking about freedom is that it takes more work. Redistributing power means redistributing risk and responsibility. When people are no longer beholden to the whims of a corporate platform, they're more beholden to one another. We're seeing people used to just being mad at Twitter for making bad moderation calls face--and make--moderation calls and face the fallout and face being beholden to others.

like are people actually posting on that feels very 2018

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all the follows from the original incarnation of this account (mostly by now-inactive mastodon users) are slowly re-populating and my notifications feel like a welcome home party of only ghosts

very excited that I shut down my long-stagnant instance and @sam and I set up this hometown instance today, thanks @darius for making it <3

Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.