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oh no I keep getting sucked into ai art discourse 

I am begging everyone who wants to tell me about photography and what-if scenarios with AI art to google "historical materialism", please, my family is dying

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oh no I keep getting sucked into ai art discourse 

respectfully: even most of the people who think they agree with me are wrong!! lol

Sometimes at the dog park this guy with two tiny papillon dogs will come by. In my mind I call them The Little Lords, Launcelot and Fauntleroy, and they always skitter around the park as though they are encountering commoners for the first time. I love them and never want to learn their real names.

making a zine for Valentine's Day of just dedication pages from books I like

Feel like right now is a really horrible time for me to be realizing maybe I'm actually just a historian

things I'm always amazed We're Still Doing when I'm reminded of them: CES, the World Economic Forum, the British monarchy

star wars shitpost 

I hope Rian Johnson knows about the Glup Shitto meme

bird discourse on AI art, last thing I promise 

thinking more than is necessary about whether people trying to talk about AI art in terms of creativity and drawing inspiration to make something new are also people who violently hated The Last Jedi

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the AI wasteland was the inevitable consequence of referring without objection to people's labor as "content"

bird discourse on AI art 

I kind of left behind musing on influence and creativity and attribution after my freshman year of art school, but I realize that most of the people raising these questions are probably encountering them for the first time and think they are Very Interesting. Fine. Just feel like it's weird to talk about AI art stuff independent of like, power and money as though art exists somewhere magically unsullied by both.

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bird discourse on AI art 

I already muted the guy who prompted this reply over there, but cross posting this because realizing maybe I need to be more direct

Freelance artists posting work online as a part of making a living aren't getting billions of dollars of investment from Microsoft to produce work. OpenAI is. None of those billions of dollars are going back to artists, who *will likely have less work bc of these tools.*

you EXPLOIT the working class? you exploit their labor power like the commodity? oh! oh! revolution against capitalism! revolution against capitalism for One Thousand Years!!!!

submitted a very late abstract for an academic journal article about rare earths as a plot device in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, am I doing academia right

are you an or comms scholar who is interested in how money works in the high tech space? are you going to ICA or are you already in Toronto? you should submit to my coincidentally co-located not-an-official-pre-conference workshop on TECH/MONEY! find the CFP and submission form here and please share with folks who might be interested: I know it's a different part of Arizona AND ALSO feel like it's weird to not talk about all the industrial development underway in the state to expand US semiconductor manufacturing which is very water intensive!!

This week's best sentences: miscellany from the National Archives, an epigraph, an accordion, the conveyor belt of gentrification, soap:

I've noticed something quite notable about the anti-Section 230 crowd who come after me. They claim (falsely) that Section 230 enables harassment, but then, they are the most aggressive harassers/bullies we've seen in the Techdirt comments.

The latest one casually throws around bigoted slurs while claiming that we're supporting harassment and abuse because we support 230.

Thinking once again about the cold open of that one episode of the second season of The Purge TV show where the people who make Purge masks are pitching new designs for the next Purge and someone suggests LGBT Pride themed Purge masks

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.