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I tried looking in media studies literature for stuff that might get into this and there's some OK stuff on the weird culture rift between "real" GIS and web mapping stuff (which, in 2023, lol) but feels weird the discipline known for having all the Marxists doesn't seem to have a framework for talking about map tech relative to markets!

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generally "critical GIS" scholarship seems to fall into these camps:

- what is a point, really
- military industrial complex exist
- respect newbies, open source good

all perfectly interesting and valid observations, but also you're telling me nobody has tried to write a history of EPSG codes

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been trying to find "critical GIS" writing that actually gets into the political economy and history of the technology--like more than repeating Esri's own hagiography and more than a generalized gesture at "maps are tools of empire" and not sure if this is a me problem or what

just found out the physics professor I took a machine learning class with last year is on a NASA committee to study UFOs??? god she's so cool

sometimes I think about how when Proudhon wrote a book titled "The Philosophy of Poverty" Karl Marx wrote a book in response titled "The Poverty of Philosophy", RIP Marx you would have loved shitposting

the linux penguin and the duolingo owl are dating

Loved these maps by @ingrid using bodegas and Soylent as a gentrification metric. Walking this morning I started wondering if Amazon Prime van activity vs cop car circulation might be another good one? I see wayyyy more vans than cops in my gentrified "arrondissement."
(I *think* here in Montreal there are fewer cops circulating in richer neighbourhoods but I'm pretty sure that's not the case in the US so my idea might not work. 🤔 (If the data is even available.))

Imagine being an exotic bird or reptile or whathaveyou who got filmed for a big budget BBC nature documentary and you have all the homies over for a watch party and then when you’re on screen they play the silly music under your mating dance. all trombones and slide whistles. you’ll never recover from this

a "fun" part of grad school is auditing undergrad classes that start at...8:40 in the morning? at least it's online

I am regrettably good enough to do data science now but no one hires that freelance I think so I'm safe

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I started to read the lemons blog post and once again feel good about the fact I have deliberately remained a competent enough web developer for personal projects but never actually became good enough to be a professional because wow this all sounds really dumb this week in perfect sentences: recursive zk-SNARKs, a map after the fact, Kate Berlant, sedentary nudists, Pothole Blasting for Wildlife, magic tricks, Port Authority

it really fucks me up that Salinger dedicated The Catcher in the Rye to his mom, feels passive aggressive

I had to give a zoom talk for art students this morning so now I'm more or less useless for the rest of the day, this is reasonable

if someone asked me "what's the big idea" I would be delighted to talk to them about anarcho-syndicalism tbh

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"What's the big idea" is a fun phrase because I would be curious to know if a broader conceptual framework underlies a minor slight I'm experiencing

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.