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it's like if you had to know a lot about mime to understand how Mussolini rose to power or something

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I'm so sorry to the future historians who have to write about the gamers

we must give consideration to all measures of home box office tendency and dispersion. what of hbo min, hbo mean, hbo stdev, the hbo interquartile range

changed the font on my thesis defense slides to the LaTex font and now they feel a lot more Important

it is impossible to want to be Mayor of New York and not kind of suck, is what I'm saying

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Eric Adams is the worst but I do want to remind everyone that in the 2021 mayoral election our choices were him and the guy who literally runs a militia (and the primary options were pretty bad too!)

Someone told me that they thought it was a thing where people wanted to "get ahead of the story" but my brother in christ, Casey Newton isn't covering you becoming a product manager at Spotify no one cares

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remember that era where people posted on Medium about taking a new job or leaving their current job and the posts would be longer than like, those meandering recipe blog posts

people really weren't okay, huh

thesis updates 

the revised version is turned in, now I just have to write the defense talk lol

thesis updates 

33,910 words after revisions and with footnotes LOL

twitter and academia jokes 

always have a little chuckle every time Siva Vaidynathan re-follows me, like "buddy I think you don't like my tweets, how does this keep happening"

celebs who I constantly think of as a single person 

no no no, Brie Larson was in the Michael Cera movie I didn't watch and Allison Brie was on the TV show I didn't watch

yoga shitpost 

yesterday's unhinged but mostly just made me feel old yoga class playlist choice: most of the Belle and Sebastian album "Tigermilk"

brain melting during thesis revisions 

oh no, she's in Google Books looking at every 19th century use of the phrase "annihilation of time and space"

you were probably
saving them for breakfast
forgive me they were so

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today I learned that the inventor of penicillin originally called it "mould juice" when he was working on it in the lab

*to the tune of "Dragula"*

open the ice box
and go through its contents
and sorry but I must now
EAT THE PLUMS this week in sentences: the sexual outlaw, the eternity of print, mutual grievance, assuredly basic competence, growling old vagabond, new filigrees, various casinos

my advisor sent me a last round of comments and after telling me the thesis is excellent stated "It etched new filigrees in my rage" which, I'm sorry, that's a perfect sentence

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.