anyone have recommendations on the historical emergence of the corporation and the concept of property? legal theory tends to assume both as givens
We know that teaching young people about repair is essential to ensuring a healthier future for our environment and global communities 🌍
We've compiled a few great resources aimed at youth engagement, including kits by us, and friends in Europe! 📖✏️ this week in sentences: dignity, ebb and flow, a brief pause, the greedy appetite of my mind, heckles, multibillion-dollar faith
update: it is apparently mostly favs from other people who think stallman and co are big babies, phew highlights of this weird video on how quartz becomes sand:
- the "everyday examples" of using sand are making sand castles (sure), keeping time with an hourglass (I guess if you're literally Jafar), and fracking (???)
- comparing quartz chemical bonds (strong) to orthoclase and olivine (weaker): "kind of like how a relationship forged in the heat of passion might not be as stable as deep bond developed over time" did...did something happen to this narrator? this week in sentences: uncanny allure, the big news, expectations, not insane, all that math, phosphorescent steel