Show more this week in sentences: precisely how, elbows, thin cream, never getting close, a spooky place, well-read

Seeking recommendations for listserv codes of conduct--I have a lot of past ones from running events and forums but need something that also speaks a little to stuff like security culture and email etiquette

Navajo Nation’s COVID-19 curfews saddled hundreds with citations, netted no money for police
The Navajo Nation tribal government passed legislation to direct revenue from COVID-19 curfew fines to the Navajo Police Department, but an investigation into the aftermath of the public safety measures found multiple breakdowns in implementation.
#Tucson #Arizona

we're doing a mini explainer episode about corporate personhood for RIP Corp and returning to the Hobby Lobby case I feel totally brain wormed by the idea that a corporation *has a religion*

i have a cis friend and he said i can say it

anyone have recommendations on the historical emergence of the corporation and the concept of property? legal theory tends to assume both as givens

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having a normal one where I'm stressed out about Pope Innocent IV's role in the history of corporate personhood

We know that teaching young people about repair is essential to ensuring a healthier future for our environment and global communities 🌍

We've compiled a few great resources aimed at youth engagement, including kits by us, and friends in Europe! 📖✏️

#repair #education this week in sentences: dignity, ebb and flow, a brief pause, the greedy appetite of my mind, heckles, multibillion-dollar faith

obligatory "ChatGPT does not actually provide a correct answer for a question concerning my particular niche field of inquiry" screenshot

really not handling the coexistence of a Baby Gronk and a Baby Groot well

re-reading The Overstory because I realized that if I am trying to write from the perspective of minerals that it is probably the thing I'll get compared to the most and GODDAMN there are so many bangers in that novel!!

update: it is apparently mostly favs from other people who think stallman and co are big babies, phew

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oh no, ramsey antagonized the free software babies and now there is an endless cascade of little masto notification pings playing in our apartment

*to the tune of boygenius' "Not Strong Enough"

I don't know why I am / the way I am / ten thousand tiny spiders, man

A year late to this but I'm so sad that the mayor reorganized and rebranded the NYC office of IT stuff from Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications ("DoITT") to the "Office of Technology and Innovation", DoITT was such a cute acronym and vibe

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.