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How metallurgists of West African origin in Jamaica (free, enslaved, Maroon) helped spark the industrial revolution. Their innovation to reuse iron was ripped off and patented by an embezzling Briton:

The original article by Jenny Bulstrode (UCL) is quite a read, deep historical and cultural detail at each point of the Atlantic triangle

#STS #Jamaica #History #Africa #colonialism #copyright #innovation ahhh I've been hearing about the development of this exhibit for years, so excited it's opened!!

My friend Emily Drabinski is the incoming president of the American Library Association. She has been named by the Montana State Library Commission as the reason they are withdrawing Montana from the American Library Association. This is bullshit.

The ALA issued a statement about this which is all about ALA. Emily deserves our support. Please join me in signing this letter in solidarity with her and her work. Thank you.

not great watching deep sea mining discourse get louder and the tone basically being "perhaps this is the less harmful option because obviously we can't not make ten trillion cars"

today I read the Vice bankruptcy documents and there is some weird stuff in there

Exclusive: The Associated Press has reached a two-year deal with OpenAI to share access to select news content and technology.

It's one of the first official news-sharing deals between a major U.S. news company and an AI firm.

Lots of anti-bird posting on my TL today. Need I remind you that

• RAVENS will take pieces of bark and literally WIND-SURF on thermal updrafts in the mountains
• HONEYGUIDES are so named because they will guide humans to beehives containing DELICIOUS HONEY
• GREATER BLACK-BACKED GULLS can swallow a WHOLE RABBIT without chewing

All this (and more) just goes to show that birds are

• cool as hell
• helpful and friendly
• but most importantly, if YOU choose to mess with them, they CAN and WILL fuck you up

So please think twice before you disrespect birds on this federated verse! 🙏


Joining the Unicode Consortium exclusively to advocate that the poop emoji be modified to give every option in the Bristol Stool Chart

Last night I went to a book talk for an online acquaintance's new book and hung out a little after and I hadn't had one of those nice "I know you from online so nice to meet" hangouts in many years, it's nice that can still happen sometimes

Just saw a lady on the street kill a spotted lantern fly and called out "good job"

I made a new zine all about how ICT climate politics look productively different if we focus less on green consumer behaviours and more on opposing infrastructure expansions. It's quite fun, and written with a non-academic audience in mind!

How are we even hate reading stuff from The Atlantic though bc I have way too much pride to give them money

Oh hey our book is now out in open access! Download a free pdf of our thoughts on the intersections between (digital) media studies and the energy humanities! We're very proud of it!

Oh no the storefront next door is available to rent and what if I rented it and ran a print studio out of it!!

These are ideas for a person with money Ingrid, sigh

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Update I am hanging out in bed with Kitty instead of pushing myself to work some more, please clap

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Metallic-green Tanager

Small tanager found in Andean subtropical zone from Colombia to Peru. Unique seafoam green color, often appearing fairly dull. Greener than Golden-naped Tanager and lacks the spangled appearance of Beryl-spangled Tanager. Also note small black mask, black nape, and black wings with thin green edges. Buffy undertail coverts and vent only visible at some angles. Sexes alike. A fairly common member of mixed flocks from around 1,300–2,300 m, in cloud forest and edges.

Photo Location: Ecuador

*flings open window* “You there, boy! What day is this?”

“To-day? Why, it's the Anthropocene Working Group's announcement of the ‘golden spike’ location, a single geological repository of evidence that best embodies the proposed epoch.”

Controversial retail take 

I've used them and all but honestly it is not clear to me that bookshop dot org is genuinely better on a warehouse labor conditions level than Amazon? But would be happy to be told they are actually good and fair employers or whatever

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.