Also happy to negotiate discounts or do commissions of specific landscapes and stuff, love to Make Plot
love to send my university money to cover debts they incurred building a gym I've never seen in my life but apparently is there for me lol just added a new one! this could be yours!
Back to school season means I have to pay some ridiculous fees to my grad program and money's tight so a gentle reminder I sell beautiful plotter drawings and they make nice gifts back in January I helped pressure a NYC arts nonprofit into doing small grants to Palestinian artists. they made this project public last week, albeit in a v shady way (no social, not visible on their landing page, no email announcement). feeling a lil ambivalent! wish they'd just say it with their whole chest here! this week in sentences: cosmic factory, replacements, the ants, horizons, excavated, dead-pan intensity, tins of oysters, a riverbed, precocious children
My general vibe for #xoxofest is apparently spiraling at mortality and the amnesiac cycle of all of us barnacle-ing resistant little communities onto a series of sinking ships
Being a little self involved baby sorry
Fucking hate how in Portland everyone asks if you're ok when you're crying I miss New York