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I've also been picking up a few missing things in #OpenStreetMap and improving the OSM-Wikidata linkage.

Battery storage is arriving in the UK at a slightly terrifying rate now.

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happy new Algiers album release day to all who celebrate

what if I start releasing new zines by making fake Publishers Marketplace screenshots about them

Love that feeling when my advisor tells me to read a bunch of Marxist theory and then instead I find something by David Graeber that explains it perfectly

America’s only rare-earths producer has agreed a deal to ship output from its new processing plant to Japan, part of a broader move by the US and allies to reduce China’s role in their critical supply chains via @markets

getting thrown out of the cartography conference for insisting that the path to liberation is using the most fucked up projections

I know it's just an academic journal URL but the proximity of "culanth" to "cthulhu" is too close, and I'm tired of pretending it's not

I hesitate to claim the title of anarchist geographer not because I dislike anarchism so much as the other anarchist geographers seem to be more into Proudhon than I'd like lol

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apologies for my delayed response, I had to be on two video calls seven days ago and am only now recovering

can't believe after all these years I'm becoming a goddamn Marxist geographer

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the "go see a psychiatrist, I hate the psychiatrist" song in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but it's me not wanting to read more theory

As NewGuild of NY members, we are uniting to address critical issues affecting trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming workers in our newsrooms, including but not just at the New York Times.

Read our call to action—and if you’re in the Guild, join us—here:

section 230 discoursing 

just re-sharing the IMO very good episode of RIP Corp we did with @melissagira that is (in part) about 230 and its discontents

@ingrid RIP Robert Moses you would have loved the Cars cinematic franchise

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.