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Final count was like 30,000 ish words

and I just noticed the conclusion ends with an unfinished sentence ha ha ha

it's OK there's some time for revisions before it goes to the university

I'm so tired

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I did it, I turned in my thesis to my committee today please clap

As dumb as this whole song and dance of academia can be and as tired as I am, it is neat that I've built up a pretty strong case for where two of the kinds of rocks in the first mid-century digital computers probably came from—knowledge that as far as I can tell no one has put together previously

think I'm gonna get a tattoo of a cool rock next week to celebrate finishing my thesis, where do we get tattoos in Brooklyn these days

Every few years people re-learn the same lesson about Brendan Eich and it would probably be more efficient if they just remembered instead.

we took a tour inside of chatgpt and its just a little hamster on a little keyboard typing very fast to answer all your questions hes so tired sleepy guy

period and software snipes 

I haven't used Word in probably over a decade? This is maybe the worst word processing experience of my life, feel like it wasn't this annoying when I was a teenager

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period and software snipes 

can't believe I have my period AND I have to use Microsoft Word today

I want to know about the farm where my search engine chatbot was raised

except he called it "raster I/O" and not "rastair-ey-o" which is the name for people who want to pretend that it is a two-bit magician and not a python library

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had a real dweeb moment this morning in my geospatial data science class where the instructor introduced rasterio and I almost went "hey I know contributors to that library!!"

"Wolfgang Schivelbusch" would be a great name for a pet chinchilla

can't believe nobody has bought this jacket since I posted it yesterday!!

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Oh shit, Harlan Ellison did an audiobook of Through The Looking-Glass

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started looking up other Harlan Ellison-read audiobooks and uhhhh he did Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea and a lot of the Discworld books, tracks

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aw man I'm previewing the Rob Inglis audiobooks and he reads it soooooo seeeerious, boo

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Finished the Harlan Ellison audiobook of Wizard of Earthsea and very sad to learn he didn't do the other books!!

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.