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This one, dubbed 'aCropalypse', is also a bit heinous. Screenshots cropped on Pixel phones using the de facto tool store the cropped part within the image itself, and this omitted part can later be un-cropped/recovered. The result is countless screenshots out in the wild with potentially sensitive info not intended to be shared.

Easy read version:

And an excellent technical writeup for fellow #infosec peeps:

good to remember that The Hold Steady still absolutely rules

silly little thesis updates 

current with-footnote count is 23,624 words. I need to write a conclusion (always my weak point lol) but I think it's close? gonna start revising the (mostly garbage) introduction tonight because I know it needs a lot of work and I think that will make writing a conclusion a bit clearer. this week in sentences: hummingbird heartbeat, an effort at estrangement, prophecies, dogshit on a spring walk, enough cyanide, the trappings of an action movie

Amazing how much writing I can get done when I simply don't do the dishes

"delete your account a hero or post long enough to become a villain"

"just doing some scholarly knowledge production" I think to myself as I pull up the Wikipedia entry for Carmen Sandiego to help me remember the word I'm looking for ("portmanteau")

yesterday I told a stranger about my research and they thought it was cool and wow I really needed that validation!!

listening to Wizard of Earthsea as I type an entire section of a French article on mining in World War II into DeepL because every time I try to OCR it for translation I get gobbledygook, this is fine

there's an out of print book about an obscure company relevant to my thesis that cost $108 and I am so annoyed

sobriety, being a dweeb 

OMG WIlliam Gibson's sobriety date is MY BIRTHDAY wow

at the state of overwhelmed where I'm deep in the slog of doing work but not receiving validation for said work, which means that it's either time for me to give up entirely or take a little walk

This reads exactly like the list of people who liked a post that just says something like “Hands Holbein the Younger” or “we should respect that he took our advice and mackled less”.

✨ Systems Ultra is live! Open for pre-orders; published by
Verso on Jan 23rd 2024

More to come nearer the time; for now, sit back & wonder to yourself: Where is that plane going? How could I explain what electricity is, only using hand gestures? My friend Molly O's dog is sick and she is holding a raffle of friends' art and skillshares to raise money for his medical bills, which is very cool and rad of her friends to support her with this

thinking again about the time Mari misremembered the title and called it "Everything Too Much All The Time"

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.