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one reason I am pretty sure the tenure track job path is not for me is that I have post-it notes above my desk with definitions for "epistemology" and "ontology" that I have to look at literally every time I run into those words

Kitty just had a little waffle and wonders if maybe she could also have my waffle

barbie discourse adjacent 

I kind of love that Rob Thomas personally annotated the lyrics to "Push" on Genius, what a dork this week in sentences: conceptual dementedness, edge of oblivion, danger of bruising, knives, quaint ideas, a hundred years too soon, hemophilia

Ambon White-eye

A small songbird with a conspicuous white eye-ring, a green face and upperparts, a bright yellow throat, a white belly, and a yellow base to the undertail. Pairs and small groups occur in the lowlands in forest, edge, sparsely wooded areas, and gardens. Restricted to Ambon, except for a few records from Seram. Separated from Warbling and Lemon-bellied White-eyes by its white belly, and from Seram White-eye by its green face and forecrown. Song comprises a rapid, pleasant warble. Also gives penetrating “tzew” notes.

Photo Location: Indonesia

Something very frustrating about the fact that after a little under ten years of doing educational work on internet infrastructure I am still seeing articles and essays where authors will say "people don't understand that 'the cloud' is real"

a lot of you here need this sticker. def not me though.

Found a picture of Kitty from shortly after the animal rescue took her from a kill shelter that was going to put her down and it breaks my heart how skinny and scared she looked then but also I remember seeing this picture on their website and thinking "maybe this is my dog"

at the end of a video game it is customary to say "gg" which stands for Greta Gerwig

When I was a teenager I did weird video art summer camp where we watched experimental films all day, no ambition just vibes

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Absolutely terrified by the notion of a teenager with enough conviction to say "yes, I will do investigative journalism summer camp at the snootiest newspaper in the land"

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Took a bunch of teenagers doing summer camp at the New York Times (????) on an internet walking tour and bless the one teenager who thought the whole thing was so incredible and didn't try to act too cool

Would I prefer Bernie Sanders hold the mantle of most cantankerous "give me a break" president? Sure. But the Biden "give me a break" is undeniable

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It is possible to disagree with many of Joe Biden's political choices and also admit few presidents have said the phrase "give me a break" with greater disdainful conviction

USB-C is so eco friendly, it stops all of those chargers ending up in landfills don't you know!
Meanwhile: People are filling landfills with otherwise perfectly fine laptops and Nintendo Switches and phones because said USB-C ports aren't on flyleads internally and require advanced level soldering skills and a fuck-ton of equipment and countless different ports to hand to use as replacement because they're only the same connector externally.
This is one of my biggest greenwashing tech grumbles

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.