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Making a giant pot of chana masala for the week like I'm a broke vegan art student again this week in sentences: every stone dreams, pee bottle Snorlax, wake up, piano sounds, (itself and every thing), the sacred spirit of lucidity

So hypothetically if I made karaoke style subtitles for a movie so that viewers could do a live fan dub, would it be funnier to do this to Titanic or Goodfellas

*columbo on the enterprise* The prime directive, huh? Sounds pretty important. I'm sure you guys are very careful not to break that one.

cannot believe that we taught rocks to whisper Secret Numbers so vast that their names have never before and will never be spoken again in the long span of human time, and we use them to key databases for e-commerce systems sort of a hack but here is the cross-hatched hillshade map visualizations with cross-hatch bodies of water--because of the particular complexity of the river I'm using as an example I tesselate the water polygons but in theory you might not have to for a basic shoreline or something. Also yes, it loads super-slow sorry

Sat next to a sleepy little corgi on the subway home, NYC is back baby

Maybe it's a good time to mention that the grant I got for my PhD research is a project collecting documents and oral histories of GIS software development. Materials collected will eventually be accessioned to the Computer History Museum. If you work/have worked on GIS tools (web mapping is part of it!!) I would love to talk to you!!

Every time ProPublica drops a "Supreme Court justices being corrupt fools" story even if Justin Elliott didn't work on it I imagine him starting the day with a little smile

How do I phrase this for the gram? Like "some personal news instead of dying later this year from burnout and economic precariousness I will die later this year from burnout but I might leave like $500 in a savings account"

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Oh no I got the grant, congratulations but also fuck fuck fuck

Hi, friends. Texas Observer is hiring for a PAID Fall Fellowship with a focus on environmental reporting. This is a position for early career journalists with an interest in the #environment, data-driven #journalism, and social justice.

Please apply ASAP, more information at

#journalism #JournoLife #Journojobs #jobs #fedihired #fedijobs #nonprofit #ClimateChange #Science

One time at the dog park someone said Kitty had "gravitas" and every time she does a goofy little face I whisper "gravitas" to her

Is it controversial to believe that Visions was a pretty good album and also a pretty good album eleven years ago isn't much of a defense for the rest of Grimes

Instead of going to yoga I got ice cream it has been that kind of day

we're live at Local Tech Ecologies today, organized by @ntnsndr and @medlab - we'll be talking about the lab, and we've brought some of our One Laptop Per Child XO-1 laptops as an interactive exploration of hyper-local networking (and of reclaiming technologies with Complicated History for humanistic purposes)

in addition to killing Toys R Us and generally being vultures feel like it's also fun to note that David Petraeus has some nonsense job title at KKR that probably pays him some obscene amount of money

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.