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doing prep for my first oral history interview by watching a talk my interview subject gave on how open source political economy is bad and broken and i got a little teary eyed at the end?? look it's been a long day i've been up since 5am

The Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division has created a fun map album that you'll probably enjoy "a wonderful variety of maps found in photos of miniature golf courses, napkins, classrooms, war rooms, and more."

#maps #photography #flickr

my sister and I were talking about how she's only on FB for updates from her rural WA town's group page and she said "Oh no, I never *post*" in a tone as though I'd just asked her if she regularly shits her pants this week in sentences: general abstractions, body bags, laser snake, life-force, scintilla, a shark in love

Learned that there's a Zootopia sequel in the works and it's not titled 2topia or Zoo2pia

Death, animals 

found out a friend's dog died so the rest of the day is cancelled, go tell the dogs in your life that you love them please

The U.S. Forest Service has ordered the company that sells Arrowhead bottled water to shut down its pipeline that draws water from springs in the San Bernardino Mountains. The decision could end the long fight over the company's extraction of water from public lands.

update: i can use the laptop on the couch while petting her, that's fine

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uspol shitpost 

spending too much time reading and thinking about 19th and early 20th century anarchists and getting annoyed that in the 21st century people are labeled "socialists" when they don't even want to murder a king or blow up Wall Street

apologies for my delayed response, my dog would not stop barking at me until I walked away from my laptop

long-ish shot: would anyone in PDX be willing to let me crash on their couch for one night August 20? Some of my travel plans pre-XOXO got scuttled and it might make sense to come down a day before my shared airbnb booking


once again facing the age old question "is your life in shambles or do you just have your period and need to eat"

A good time to read some Stuart Hall. From “Race and ‘Moral Panics’ in Postwar Britain,” 1978:

“There is an overwhelming tendency to abstract questions of race from their internal social and political contexts—to deal with ‘race’ as if it had nothing intrinsically to do with the present ‘condition of England.’ It is viewed as an ‘external’ problem, foisted on English society from the outside, which has simply been visited on the society from the skies….These poor, benighted people—for reasons which the British now find it hard to bring to mind—picked themselves up out of their villages and plantations and, uninvited, made this long, strange and apparently unpredictable journey to the doors of British industry—which, out of the pure goodness of their hearts, gave them employment. Now the ‘good times’ are over, and the kissing has to stop.

“The tendency to abstract race from the internal dynamic of the society, and to repress its history, is not confined to the political ‘Right.’ It is also to be found on the ‘liberal Left.’…Neither side can bring themselves to refer to Britain’s imperial and colonial past, even as a contributory factor to the present situation. The slate has been wiped clean. Racism is not endemic to the structures of British social life, it has nothing intrinsically to do with the dynamic of British politics, or with the economic crisis: it is not part of English culture—it does not belong to the ‘English Ideology.’ It is an external virus, injected into the body politic. Its control is a matter of policy— but not of politics.

“I hope to persuade you that this cannot be true.”


Feels weird realizing it was a big deal back in the day for someone to point out that capital accumulation is spatial? What did people think happened

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PhD exams reading update: David Harvey continues to be A Bit Much but Admittedly Not Wrong this week in sentences: fundamentally weird, whole cities, ineffable, pommel horse, melancholy, assessed the scene

A law of the universe: the less money I have in my bank account the harder it is to deny myself a little iced coffee treat

The Space Shuttle had a 59-pound printer on board, known as the Interim Teleprinter. Putting this heavy printer in orbit cost $1.5 million per flight, but it was a key piece of flight hardware,
providing the astronauts with mission plans, weather reports, and other documents from Mission Control. Let's take a look inside... 1/12

respect to the sickos of open source maintaining experimental builds of node for ARMv6

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.