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Kind of want to ask this small Canadian child in the park to elaborate on why Kylo Ren is his favorite Star Wars character

Because I have so little money right now and museums are expensive my day off in Vancouver was seeing Pixel Orca and from a distance the container port

Just saw a bus ad for a jazz radio station that said "don't pay for sax" and have half a mind to call in and say sax work is work

All the suggestions were good but hear me out: instead of that, I go to a botanical garden in the neighborhood William Gibson supposedly lives in on the off chance of a sighting

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Since January, @kissane and I have been researching governance on Mastodon and Hometown servers of about 80-2000 people. That research is now available!!!

Blog post:


Special thanks to the participants we interviewed, you all were so great.

So hard to keep up with American politics while abroad, in Canada

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Using the fact I'm currently in Canada as an excuse to not follow DNC stuff like I'm 12 time zones away and not just in Vancouver

If I have no plans tomorrow in Vancouver and it's maybe going to rain what should I go do

I suppose being a multi-university town helps but I really can't get over how many regular and used bookstores there seem to be in Vancouver, is this a weird after effect of healthcare

This was a joke but I was walking to a pho place for dinner and there was a dog just lying outside on the street asking people for belly rubs

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buy new shoes while i'm in vancouver because my current shoes have holes in the bottom or convince myself this means I'm experiencing the city with the authenticity of a local who might say "no worries" to wet feet this week in sentences: untowardly nude, corn leaves, use in sport, sole person in serif, very few things, dirty underwear, a macaron, euphemisms, static, a thousand gilded hydrants, traffics in attention

Good news 

This Airbnb has a German shepherd named SHERMAN who lives upstairs and he is a big sweetie

My favorite part of traveling is apparently going to bed at 9pm

Maybe we can get #NiceRockFriday going? I'll start.

Also we'll be streaming live from the Boston Public #Library today. Guests & topics in the replies to this toot.

Intersection of art and technology shitpost and also genuine question 

Is the Lumen Prize a scam? Looking at the finalists list because a friend is in it and most of the projects look like AI trash

Can I go to sleep at 7pm if I woke up at 5:30am and took a boat to Canada this morning

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.