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Kitty's neighborhood dog best friend is moving to Michigan (her family bought a house) and I am more sad than I probably should be

Looking at subway ads for a skincare brand that are just black Helvetica on a white backdrop, Dr Zizmor would weep this week in sentences: sheep, the future, the citadel, single standing spray, vagaries of various, least weird guy, cat phonology, hog blood day, $200 million TV shows


once again remembering how Aaron Sorkin wrote in the big boy newspaper that the DNC should nominate Mitt Romney for president

Rebranding the nation state as a subscription service these postcards are definitely the best deal among the stuff I sell if you want something small and not necessarily requiring framing!

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Also happy to negotiate discounts or do commissions of specific landscapes and stuff, love to Make Plot

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love to send my university money to cover debts they incurred building a gym I've never seen in my life but apparently is there for me lol

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Back to school season means I have to pay some ridiculous fees to my grad program and money's tight so a gentle reminder I sell beautiful plotter drawings and they make nice gifts

MASINT #5116 from Zuma (USAP)

1. Russian Couchfuckers
2. Pataphysical Possums
3. Fanfic Cold Storage

getting married tomorrow and mostly just worried about leaving the dog alone while we're at city hall lol back in January I helped pressure a NYC arts nonprofit into doing small grants to Palestinian artists. they made this project public last week, albeit in a v shady way (no social, not visible on their landing page, no email announcement). feeling a lil ambivalent! wish they'd just say it with their whole chest here!

went to go look at the website for sfpc's "solidarity infrastructures" class and got annoyed that the glossary doesn't define "infrastructure", academia has poisoned my brain and I hate it

Apparently the bacteria thing Kitty got in her GI tract in July is still kicking after her antibiotics course and it is a whole lot to come home from physically and emotionally exhausting Times to my baby girl shitting her brains out, again

This morning I took a cab from the airport and towards the end of the ride the driver said "you know at the end we all die alone" so you could say I'm feeling pretty back in the big apple this week in sentences: cosmic factory, replacements, the ants, horizons, excavated, dead-pan intensity, tins of oysters, a riverbed, precocious children

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.