this week in sentences: incomprehension, most sensual aunt, clarifying, regarding, nothing glamorous, so embarrassing, man-o’-war, avenue of research, proper amount
IRS goes after gig workers instead of billionaire tax dodgers
sharing []( in case you enjoy lovingly crafted 1990s aesthetic websites for highly niche research interests
Absolutely wrecked because a friend's cat that has been in cat hospice mode for almost two months passed away today. it's not that I even knew the cat all that well, but it's the second friend whose pet died this year and I am so tired of people I love getting kicked in the teeth by the universe and I miss my dog so much and it reminds me of how much it hurts this week in sentences: the dogs of Venice, socialist-bloc cosmetics, teens and the insane, the hell of leisure, every toaster, a weed shop of the 2020s, nickel-and-diming, a pyre, flat dial tone this week in sentences: syllables, ill-suited, a disease, interlocking ninth circles, fungi attack, lacking perhaps, the unjustifiable, HOLD A BLU-RAY, slouching, all known seamounts, larks and katydids, why the cello, poor saps
UnitedHealth recently helped kill single-payer health care legislation in California.
Gov. Gavin Newsom backed off his previous support of the idea -- after he & Dems received huge money from UnitedHealth donors.
The thing you have to understand about the original Gilded Age is that "gilded" does not mean "golden." It means covering something cheap with a thin layer of gold, to make the cheap thing look more valuable.
That is why they called it the Gilded Age: it was a cheap simulation of a golden age. A shiny veneer of prosperity, but scratch the glimmering surface and all you'd find underneath is base metal.
In other words, enshittification is nothing new. It's just how plutocracy works -- looting the fundamentals of the economy to gild the lives of a few.