bitching about data & society 

I did get a very sincere apology from this friend after I reached out and it helped so there's that

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His person has cancer and surrendered the pup because treatment has made him too weak for caretaking, what a heartbreak and also I would maybe want to figure out staying in touch with the person??

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Once again I am struggling with not just going to adopt a good Kitty-coded dog I saw online

First official night of teaching update: mostly good vibes from the students, I made a lot of dad jokes

"please read it back to me—no no, I told the Senator to 'retire BINCH, b-i-N-c-h', it's important"

bitching about data & society 

all in all my life is probably for the better no longer being part of that org but being rendered disposable by that org really fucked with me in 2018 and contributed to a super-low point in my life where the suicidal ideation got really fucking bad, & seeing this news brought that all back up for me

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.