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If you want to read a couple thousand words of me clearing my throat/brain about the internet and my experience of reading Christopher Alexander and adrienne maree brown together you can do that here:

if you would prefer to start with the first actual reading notes, they'll be going up tomorrow

It took me until today to realize that SMS / iMessages are Mastodon’s DMs and … I love it !?

my kid calls the dog “Bro” in the most tracksuit surf grom way

Weird dream of a TED-at-the-Internet-Archive ended with a copy of a book called “Steven King and I” by Gene Wolfe of every blurb back and forth between them

@waldoj @kissane cleaning up accounts — apparently I had the small one unlocked and the big one locked but you are both welcome to both while I learn the ropes

Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.