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@ndkane i know i cant spell but also WHY is she in this movie and why did this movie get made at all?? they should have made a movie about that Slate essay that person wrote when they discovered CAT PERSON stole their life

@akstuhl watched s1e1 tonight with my partner who's never seen this or any other lynch property before. their first reaction: "this show is all vibes and _amazing_ clothes"

@tim i did my laundry and hired a housecleaner and folded my laundry and made a mending pile and cleaned the stove and caught up on email and can you tell im supposed to be working on the book right now

friends where are we sending stuff now that we would have sent to REAL LIFE now that REAL LIFE is dead

@josh josh i would just like you to know that it is violence to start talking about note taking systems the day before i go on book leave

one thing i have noticed is that i have been very very hungry all week, and if i dont eat something substantial like every two hours i feel extremely bad very fast.

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on day two of negative covid tests for me! for those keeping score at home that was one full week from a _screaming_ positive test to a clean negative test. i was symptomatic (extremely flat, headache, slight fever) for 1-2 days before i tested positive. i started paxlovid the evening of the day i first tested positive with minimal side effects except the whole metal mouth thing.

@karlsteel long form article in NYMag in six months, shows up as a subplot in the second season of THE CHAIR

@tomlevenson we got an absurd amount of dim sum delivery yesterday 🕎

i am very excited for the long form investigatory article on this to come out because from some very basic poking around something wild is happening here

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what's this? a new weird niche academic almost certainly sock puppet plagiarism scandal, for Christmas? you shouldnt have!

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.