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today's one of those "well that's better than a swift kick in the teeth" days

new idea: we make a collected volume entirely made up of essays with the title "generative adversarial networks and the art of kissing" who's in

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@msokolov i ended up just printing it out at home. im going to push the office printer into the sea.

ChatGPT thinks i wrote an essay called "Generative Adversarial Networks and the Art of Kissing," if anyone is looking for an title in search of an article

@schrotthaufen postscript conversion didnt work, gonna try to print it at home with a different printer


why is this pdf not printing
can i push the big office printer into the sea

@kissane like, the glowing reference to HER in that one essay is really telling

if you recall like six library books, and the same person has all of them, i think you should be able to meet in person so you can either get married or fight to the death

@kissane @beep well i regret reading that essay, gonna go watch twin peaks now

today i deadlifted 195 pounds and also recieved my copy of Malcolm Harris's PALO ALTO, so overall a good day!

@harper read this as "setting up some feds" and just thought "yep, as you do"

@waldoj yeah i just jumped straight to the PT when i was in canada. feel better soooon!!!

i put the catgirl in my slides so now y'all have to come to this talk tomorrow to support this objectively dumb choice

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illustrating my talk slides is hard enough without actual catgirls floating around

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i just learned there is a Fortnite character named Erisa and i am very strongly considering just including this image in my talks with no further elaboration

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.