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I just learned that junk bugs exist, so that's salvaged part of my day at least.

Hey New Yorkers, come see the exhibition Water Stories at - it's a beautiful show and a really weird space. They're open every saturday afternoon and I'll be there this coming saturday july 27.

Pictured: my piece with Anne Hollænder, an interactive sound piece with hand blown glass, seaweed, saltwater, and weird wiggly accordion-creatures!


My first impulse was to reach down and pick it up but I panicked. I think I want a pet skunk.

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food, moving 

@tripofmice moving is so physically and emotionally draining. Good food helps!

I love you skunk but I’m in the middle of a conversation with the moon.

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Sitting in a park in Brooklyn and a skunk just ran right up to my feet. Literally and figuratively did not see that coming

@tripofmice the actual content probably didn’t live up to the content warning tho

@tripofmice what I thought you said at first blush vs what you actually said.


@tripofmice congratulations on your new place, mouse!

@ranjit i could’ve guessed it if you included a little dog

@ingrid i was moving into this apartment the day he died, which was also my birthday. so yes, time is broken. also i've been in this apartment too long.

Welp I finally saw Oppenheimer. I kind of feel like it was just asteroid city with more dramatic music.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.