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Judging from the light and the train off in the distance, it’s de Chirico o’clock

IRT 2, South Bronx, NYC (1979)
Photo: Danny Lyon / MoMA this week in sentences: except everything, building rn, burgers, theorists of all persuasions, putrescence, flicker

Subway thoughts: my first cinematic love was Speed Racer. The first auteur I was aware of was Chuck Jones. this week in sentences: PlayStation controller, of course, baja blast, likely stagger on, totally wasted, sinister magnificence, bruise of a story, guilt

Day 62. The skunk has not returned. I posted in missed connections but I suspect this is not an online skunk.

As a kid I always wondered who this Robert Moses could be. It wasn’t until I was in my 20’s that I discovered and read The Power Broker and learned what had really been going on behind the spectacle. The gulf between my childhood perception and the reality of the enormous machine he operated still staggers me.

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At the start of the show, bandleader Guy Lombardo would glide in to the front of the stage on an enormous wooden runabout speedboat. We were in awe. I was barely awake by the end of the show but on our way out we’d pass a big tent where Guy and his orchestra would be playing for a large well dressed crowd of drinkers and dancers.

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Once a year we’d drive further along the ocean parkway, counting rabbits on the side of the road, to Jones Beach Theater to see a musical, Showboat or Fiddler on the Roof under the stars and next to the bay. My grandparents and my aunt and uncle would be there.

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When I was a kid, at least once a week in summer my mom would stuff a bunch of sandwiches in a cooler, stuff a bunch of kids in a station wagon along with a blanket and a ratty umbrella and drive over the bridges to “Robert Moses” which was short for Robert Moses State Park, where we’d spend the whole day playing in the waves and digging in the sand.

uspol shitpost 

did not have assassination fatigue on my 2024 bingo card.

Back to the same park, hoping the skunk will come back and hang

mildly addicted to something called 'colorball champions' from indonesia. cannot get a handle on these times. this week in sentences: sheep, the future, the citadel, single standing spray, vagaries of various, least weird guy, cat phonology, hog blood day, $200 million TV shows

i mean this in the sense that my thoughts and emotions are globular, ill-defined, sticky, messy and prone to hardening on objects

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Back to school season means I have to pay some ridiculous fees to my grad program and money's tight so a gentle reminder I sell beautiful plotter drawings and they make nice gifts

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.