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Need to figure out a way for web fonts to be free but type designers to live lives of lavish comfort.

Researchers at Australian National University developed a clever way to sense seismic waves reverberating inside the Earth. Those echoes made it possible for them to sense the growing metallic seed at the center of our planet. #Perspective

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Had to think about the UV index before stepping out for a burrito, so happy first day of meteorological spring I guess.

Just going through my photo archive

"Satan tempeth him to neglect Learning; and follow Gaming"

@jcalpickard Halfway through, Aldus Manutius appears with Francesco Griffo on a leash and talks about how he owns a Steinway.

I’m at the point in this ML essay where I’m imagining Ludovico Vicentino degli Arrighi as a YouTube influencer. I may be a bit out of practice writing.

@evanwolf I’m not an academic (or a news person), so I don’t really know. I think the nexus here might be the tenure committees and how they evaluate outreach and engagement. But I could easily be wrong.

I would really like to live in a world where some small but significant proportion of academics get to consider it part of their job to collaborate with news outlets on accessible and self-contained explainers of stuff in the news.

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Mildly concerned that the LLM explainer I’ve seen get the most traction is by a someone whose professional and personal behavior seem very questionable. (And who is also very litigious.)

For what it’s worth, some places I do subscribe to are:




Each of them has done things I disagreed with, sometimes deeply, but not with the sort of broad scope and ugly conviction that the NYT has shown.

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Tired of feeling bad about what I’m paying for with my crossword subscription.

I was having unbidden pansharpening thoughts again, so I fixed typos and a pseudocode bug in my old 10,000 word gist on the topic:

Proud to say that it’s the best non-academic introduction to the topic on the entire internet. Also, I admit, the worst, because it’s the only one. I don’t know why there aren’t more people interested in this.

@stephenjudkins I don’t think there’s time for an informed take yet. I think we non-experts just have to be hopeful and understand it might not pan out.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.