Online reviews of this aftershave: Pleasant, middle-of-the-road, not too strong.
My review of this aftershave: The smoke alarm is going off, the cat is hissing at the ceiling, the windows are permanently etched, the new milk in the fridge curdled, I’m crying out my ears, I’m getting a call from the county bomb squad,
So here’s a thing that’s live:
I’ll have more to say about it soon, but for now I’ll say this:
I wrote this little book for you, for me, for all of us. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever written, and I’m really very proud of it. And I hope it’s helpful to you.
@meetar @robinsonmeyer @urschrei Alan Watts’s most lyrical essay collection, imho.
@robinsonmeyer @urschrei (To take this more seriously: I do firmly believe there’s a way in which moths are in fact us in domino masks after all. The problem is that if you have that sense but not the sense that you’re equally a moth in a domino mask, I think you have a hierarchical view of the universe that sounds communal, and that’s dangerous.)
@robinsonmeyer @urschrei Oh great, heckles from the mystics.
@urschrei Oh, that was a typo. Meant to say broths. Obviously many of my best friends etc.
@bil you nerd
@berd omfg
Mostly I think we learn by paying attention, reflecting, making loose connections, and being in the shared world, and in other ways, but not by saying “X is Y!”
I don’t know. Too-good metaphors have their place. Sometimes they launch us with enough force to escape. And we think partly by jumping to conclusions. “Whose hearts have left their bodies here in England / And lie pavilioned in the fields of France.”
I am grateful for popular science writing that can keep some epistemic humility about its work: that can balance astonishing news carrying weird implications against the reminder that sometimes the truth doesn’t make sense even if we do have it.
Things we aren’t – forests or LLMs or planets or abacuses or moths or whatever – aren’t us in domino masks. It is not the case that everything other than the human soul is only present in creation in order to provide metaphors to humans for their souls. I also suspect that Italian is not just English with a really strong Italian accent and bees are not a model for a perfect human society. Different things are actually different.
A wrinkle in the “forests are internets” thing is that (I suspect) a lot of people promulgating it are trying to do forests a favor by putting them in these terms. In practice, this may often be true. But it seems worth watching closely. These things get away from us.
But metaphors are always not good enough or too good. There’s never the one that takes you exactly as far as it’s accurate and leaves you hydrated, sunscreened, and pointed in the right direction.
I think there’s a powerful force in popular science writing, more or less necessary to what we’d recognize as popular science writing at all, to familiarize the strange. This is not formally divisible from what it means to explain something.
The “forest fungi are just like our conception of the internet/kinship/brains/etc.” story is a fun one and I suspect it’ll be around for a long time. But I think this piece is a good model for one way to shoo back an overextended idea.
And the horrible thing is, both of – okay, look, we all get the form I’m using here; fill it in mentally.
You know him on the internet. Eucalypt-adjacent; very occasional writer. Consulting and passively looking for work in geospatial, image processing, and related fields.