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@nasser More stuff should be like this. If you take a group portrait, it should pull everyone’s Gravatar to make sure they look their best.

@isagalaev @nikitonsky At a systems programming level, people certainly care more about storage size. But at a UI level, they might want to ensure that only one emoji can be used in a certain context. So perhaps it’s better to say that there are multiple useful senses of the idea of “length” that might matter in different areas. But I think we basically agree about the important parts of this issue.

Anyone have any leads for a forensic microSD card data recovery specialist? (There are lots of scammy ads out there for this so I'm looking for personal recommendations.)

The card in question returned from the space station with a small crack in it and won't enumerate. Reflying the experiment is an expensive proposition, so there's considerable motivation to recover the data. ;)

Thanks Mastodonians!

A fun fact about aerobatics teams is that the leader is talking to them in a singsong the whole time like a slightly excessive high school choreography instructor.

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I don’t like what the Blue Angels think they are but I do kind of enjoy their chaotic vibes, and I feel roughly the same about my bargain-basement 500 mm mirror lens that focuses about as well as a weed grinder, so here’s a picture of the one with the other.

@isagalaev It’s a technically solved problem if you make the effort to use the solutions. Some don’t. They assume that a character is a byte, or they consider systems that mishandle Unicode to be good enough to keep in service. That’s the halfheartedness I mean. It may not be specific to Unicode but it’s real.

(Analogously, you still see bugs from daylight saving time shifts, integer overflows, SQL injection, and other problems that are totally solved if you bother to use the solutions.)

Dear software people,

Unicode is older now than ASCII was when Unicode was introduced. It’s not a weird new fad.

It’s complicated but so is the domain it represents. We recognize that we have to think about time zones and leap days and seconds, for instance. And it’s a cleaner abstraction when you aren’t halfhearted about it.


@maxfenton Now I know that when something goes horribly wrong, I’m gonna know two minutes before all you suckers.

Who else has their phone out and is staring at it unblinkingly while holding their breath?

@ian I’ve seen that long smear failure mode a lot, and also a flat state where it basically paints one photo in 2D with minimal texture. Here’s an example, to be deleted in like 30 seconds:

@ian I really like the failures. (The structure-from-motion stage seems to work far better when you have views from either side, and even then it’s far from reliable.)

About the 3D demo I made with my kid, and using new techniques, and giving up control for expediency, and internal imperfections, and some other things.

Want to see a Radiacode go nuts? Bring it to the entrance to a uranium mine.

For the curious, here’s a nice writeup of how this works – it’s a fun combination of multi-decade–old ideas, “standard” structure-from-motion, and tricks that are inspired by (but not directly based on) the current GPU and neural network boom:

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In a grocery store on Saturday morning, I overheard two women with a small child talking about how a US government shutdown would mean that the WIC program, which helps to ensure that children have enough food to eat, is immediately suspended.

It turns out that almost exactly a decade after writing about donating to food banks during such a shutdown, I am still incandescently furious about this.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.