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Like I can totally see both the “AI now corrects itself, is unstoppable; how does this affect bitcoin?” headlines and the “Yes, I spent all of March calling people credulous fools for not knowing that self-correction is the exclusive purview of ensouled life, but nevertheless this is Just Math” takes and I wish we could just skip that part of everything.

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As long as I’m in a listy mood, this language model that backspaces out of dead ends is interesting because:

1. It’s an example of something categorically less interesting than the pro-LLM camp is going to claim, and more interesting than the anti-LLM camp wants to talk about; that gap seems important.

2. It points toward the text diffusion models I keep trying to subtly warn people are probably coming without saying so explicitly, oops, backspace backspace backspace.

It’s the time of year when you can see a little dab of blue on the far edge of the arctic sea ice.

1. From the abstract, I think the actual article is much less about blaming scientists for policy failures than the headlines make it sound.

2. I can’t read past the abstract of this article on interpreting science for public use because it’s paywalled.

Anyway, if anyone out there is thinking about developing pollen allergies, I guess my advice is to have a pretty careful think about it before you make the leap. Might not be as fun as you’ve been told.

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Basically it seems like if there’s a window open I cough. This creates some difficulties because I like fresh air and dislike running the AC.

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This seems to be the year I got allergies, and, wonderfully, the symptoms are somewhat like those caused by infection with SARS-CoV-2, the well-known novel coronavirus.

It’s called the Agreeing With Charlie Method and it has the potential to streamline many aspects of our society.

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Reflecting once again on how much more pleasant and illuminating online discourse would be if people simply put aside their self-regard and took the time – before commenting on anything – to sit down and learn to see everything exactly as I do.

computer programming 

Donne’s “Batter my heart” but about the numpy broadcasting rules.

Like you know the friend who’s always complaining about a certain kind of bad social interaction? And sometimes (not always) it becomes clear that they are just bad at that kind of interaction? I feel like 15% of the internet by volume is that.

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If someone keeps finding themselves in the kind of circumstance where where they have to say a certain kind of thing – different circumstances and the same thing over and over again – consider that they may possibly be the ones putting themselves in that circumstance because they like saying the thing.

When I say “consider” here I really mean just consider. Don’t assume bad faith. Very much don’t discount people who are stuck in systemic traps. But some people, on some topics, sometimes….

Back from vacation and attending to important chores such as averaging big stacks of images from webcams to see if they look neat.

There's so much happening now with next generation Covid vaccines, that I'm planning more frequent updates.

New update today @PLOS:


* details on the US Project NextGen
* positive early clinical results for Gritstone's "variant-proof" Covid vax
* more preclinical results for pancoronavirus vaxes - including an intranasal one
* more clinical trial data on 2 mucosal vaxes

Plus, Indonesia & Morocco bring the number of countries rolling out mucosal vaccine to 6.

Online reviews of this aftershave: Pleasant, middle-of-the-road, not too strong.

My review of this aftershave: The smoke alarm is going off, the cat is hissing at the ceiling, the windows are permanently etched, the new milk in the fridge curdled, I’m crying out my ears, I’m getting a call from the county bomb squad,

So here’s a thing that’s live:

I’ll have more to say about it soon, but for now I’ll say this:

I wrote this little book for you, for me, for all of us. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever written, and I’m really very proud of it. And I hope it’s helpful to you.


Mostly I think we learn by paying attention, reflecting, making loose connections, and being in the shared world, and in other ways, but not by saying “X is Y!”

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.