The bit where the guy in charge repeats a factoid this thin as if it’s persuasive and illuminating, because he thinks it’s his vision that matters more than his money, is something that I think most reasonably experienced tech workers would recognize as an even bigger red flag than the parts where he’s like “And now I will use unrated equipment in a safety-of-life application against the strong objections of experts!”
@merrysky Yo, I’m seeing big discontinuities in my forecast (in this case, late on Sunday), presumably from models not matching up. Is this expected?
We have a thread going with server recs here now, plz send over new folks who are interested in finding a home
Trying to replace it and finding only two options:
1. Dr Nourishment’s health gel with SkinCling paste-forming technology, glycerol, wood glue, palm oil, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B7, vitamin B9, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, textured vegetable protein, plaster, hagfish slime, extra vitamin B2, and The Deserving Pore® skin-clogging microplastics.
2. Killshot Man Violence, the Body Thrashing Exit Wound Sterilizer.
Also, there’s reason to believe that current standard heat index numbers are actually severe underestimates at the high end of the range:
I know a lot of people are very anti–e-mail, and I respect that, but the idea that unlimited words from friends can show up any time still has a bit of the wonder for me that it had in 1996. I’m sad that contemporary e-mail culture displaced that.
The NANOGrav papers are open access:
I am actually giving it one more chance by trying it as the merge block for upsamples and residuals in a U-net, but when it was the final head-to-tail residual merge, the early training of the network was almost flat, so my hopes are not super high.
This was a clever idea! Signals should have approximately standard normal distributions, and you mix two Gaussians of the same σ by doing a×sqrt(t) + b×sqrt(1-t) to get output with the same σ at any t. This gives you a nice compromise between concatenation (information-preserving but wasteful) and addition (vice versa). Great!
It didn’t work at all!
And under some assumptions about the resolution of your monitor and how far you are from it, if you look at the image full-size, it’s probably very roughly the right angular diameter.
Back of an envelope: DSCOVR EPIC’s resolution is about what someone with “normal” vision would see if they were sitting on a GPS satellite.
On #BreakingNews days like today (#Russia coup?) if you miss the Twitter experience of following live news, here’s a protip: I eventually figured out that following the local feed at was a pretty good substitute for breaking news coverage:
Like, look, there are real problems around how we think and act about expertise In These Times. That’s real.
In addition to (not instead of) that, it’s, you know, the thing where people complain about stuff posted by people they follow. If you don’t want to see people talking about what they had for lunch, unfollow @69_lunchlover_420. If you don’t want to see topical takes from people who tend to post a lot of topical takes, there is solution to that too.
I did it! I made an epicycle clock!
Check your loopy time here:
You know him on the internet. Eucalypt-adjacent; very occasional writer. Consulting and passively looking for work in geospatial, image processing, and related fields.