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No, you don't have to be in the academy to contribute to the noble pursuit of building human knowledge, all you need is

The magic thing about python’s sys.exit() is you don’t have to worry about importing it; if you forget, the script exits when it gets there almost exactly as if you had.

I want to map from a small input to a large output with interpolation in the output and I’m going to be able to figure it out but it’s going to feel like doing my taxes the whole time.

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I have come to a place in some personal-project code where I need to use skimage.transform.warp and I keep tabbing over to the documentation, sighing, and tabbing away.

This @kissane talk is worth your time if you’re interested in pretty much anything I’m interested in.

Roughly what are the odds that recognizable signs of extraterrestrial life are within our present technological and conceptual reach and we just haven’t noticed yet?

Roughly what are the odds that recognizable signs of extraterrestrial life are within our present technological and conceptual reach and we just haven’t noticed yet?

Huh. Just had a wild, cascading run of great ideas for a work project I finished like 7 years ago.

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Weekend project: tinkering with cloud removal from Landsat stacks. Here the top two images are inputs and the bottom is output from them alone.

It’s strictly pixelwise and n→1 (deep set–style), so it scales to any stack depth. Notice it fills the nodata with the training set average color, and the cloud overlap with a sort of polite fog.

Sentinel-1 radar of Helene last night – 23:37 UTC, 19:45 EDT. The swath is about 250 km (150 mi) wide.

I have to finish my damn project so I can try to get interviewed on one of the big pansharpening podcasts.

how come you can add more -vvv to get more logging but you can't add more w's to www to get more website

A little unexpected good news: I spent 90 seconds looking into the thing in the news and it turns out it’s actually really good evidence of the veracity of an opinion I already had.

If I want to learn the basics of EE, maybe getting a ham license, what text should I use to get a solid grasp of the principles?

– I am generally familiar with software and specifically some signal processing. It’s the EM stuff I need to learn.

– Naturally a lot of this is best learned by doing. I’m asking about the parts best learned by reading.

– I can borderline pass a practice test for the lowest ham license today by bluffing and light memorization. But I want the actual knowledge.

The voice in my head that yells at me for being way off in the weeds on some detail v. the voice in my head that yells at me for not putting any explanations in the explanations.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.