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Some of my closest friendships emerged from that web page. The apartment I've lived in for the last five years? We took over the lease from friends I met on twitter, and who I first met IRL when they invited me over to this apartment to hang out and watch a movie to take my mind off my dad recently dying. Twitter hasn't really been that kind of online place in a long time, but it's weird and sad to think about the role it played in my stupid little life.

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cross-posting: I know it's stupid but when my dad died 9 years ago a lot of people I only knew from twitter showed up for me and it meant a lot, so as I get extra messy and sad leading up to the anniversary of his death this week there's also some weird grief for twitter in there too

once again I have convinced myself in the days leading up to the anniversary of my father's death that I can get a lot of work done and instead am just gripped with anxiety, ha ha ha

still kind of amazed that all the banning outside social media URLs on twitter went down on like, not only a Sunday but also in the middle of the World Cup final

"Area Theater Troupe Wins Award" --NYC public radio covering the Tony Awards basically

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WNYC just did a little news bit about Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" and called her a "Long Island native"—I love when they use "local girl makes good" as the hook for talking about famous people as though NYC is a small town and isn't it funny someone from around here "made it"

It wouldn't be a December 9 without me reminding everyone that on this day they released the US Senate Torture Report, never forget

FYI this appears to be the most current guidance on contributing to a strike fund for New School PT faculty on strike

amazing my idea for a shot for shot remake of Stalker in Horizon Worlds didn't get more traction on twitter

(look I thought it would be nice on a friday to ask people for nice stories OK )

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when was the last time you were actually "excited" or "thrilled" to "share", be honest

meta mastodon talk 

I should probably develop this thought further in not-a-microblog, but I think maybe it would be helpful to situate federated social in the context of mutual aid and concepts like "we keep us safe" rather than replicating a model of deferring responsibility to a corporation.

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meta mastodon talk 

Something @nasser and I were talking about last night: one way of thinking about freedom is that it takes more work. Redistributing power means redistributing risk and responsibility. When people are no longer beholden to the whims of a corporate platform, they're more beholden to one another. We're seeing people used to just being mad at Twitter for making bad moderation calls face--and make--moderation calls and face the fallout and face being beholden to others.

like are people actually posting on that feels very 2018

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all the follows from the original incarnation of this account (mostly by now-inactive mastodon users) are slowly re-populating and my notifications feel like a welcome home party of only ghosts

very excited that I shut down my long-stagnant instance and @sam and I set up this hometown instance today, thanks @darius for making it <3

Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.