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yoga shitpost 

you know that the class is going to be absolutely fucking brutal when the teacher is a 70 year old Brazilian man named Edgar

got an email from a producer working on a documentary about Occupy Wall Street and once again I feel about ten thousand years old

Just reminding you from Nottingham that Robin Hood was madey uppey but the Luddites were real 🔨💥

And it wasn’t the Sheriff of Nottingham who tried to stop them. They sent army units (failure), then hired spy cops and made smashing a frame punishable by death. Lord Byron made his maiden speech in Parliament in opposition to the death penalty for Luddites. You can still see the hole where they installed the gallows to hang Luddites here.

We’re trying to get to $1000 donated on Bluesky and we’re at $510. Can the Mastodon community beat them? Let me know what you send and I’ll keep track!

with my start - $50/1000


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yoga shitpost 

If I hear a yoga teacher use the word "abs" I know we're in trouble

"core" is not great either but we'll allow it this week in sentences: macrame owl, hammer brigade, Dan Flavin nightmare, relatively inarticulate, lobotomization, false plateau

"History roils. Its waves are cumulative, one rolling into another, amplifying their thunder. Or they become attenuated via energies pushing in orthogonal or opposite directions. Or they swirl into directionless eddies, with the ocean’s surface appearance as often as not obscuring grander currents just below."

Listening to Trevor Bedford has thus far always been the right move, and I don’t see that changing. (I don’t expect much/any help from e.g. mask orders in a big new wave, and the datasets no longer very useful, so we’re pretty much going to be going by wastewater and/or vibes until hospitalizations increase.)

"Welcome to our gander reveal party!"

"Don't you mean..."


Geese emerge from everywhere. There are no fireworks. Only geese. There are no balloons. Only chaos. There are no genders. Only honk.

drugs, family 

I wonder/would not be that surprised if it's easier for most doctors to prescribed oxy than weed for pain relief even in places where it's legal

anyway excited to watch my mom blaze it lol

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drugs, family 

feeling grateful that a friend in DC offered to bring my mom weed because she doesn't want to take the oxycodone that her doctor prescribed her for post-spinal surgery (turns out she also took oxy after her knee replacement and it gave her insane vivid nightmares, which is a thing?)

Honestly my only disagreement here is when Chiang writes that "it’s not the job of A.I. to strengthen capitalism...yet that is what it currently does." I think by the time of the Dartmouth conference John McCarthy had pretty explicitly renounced the Communist beliefs his organizer parents raised him on and IMO McCarthy's (and Minsky's, and the other guys)' political beliefs are part of the story of AI's intellectual history

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I do not love that in 2023 a totally smart writer still has to include a disclaimer that "whenever I criticize capitalism, I’m not criticizing the idea of selling things" in the goddamn New Yorker

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"Note that you cannot simply say that you will build A.I. that only offers pro-social solutions to the problems you ask it to solve. That’s the equivalent of saying that you can defuse the threat of McKinsey by starting a consulting firm that only offers such solutions." get their asses Ted

OMG this seller is also selling random old soviet hardware, help

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turning to my preferred coping strategy for stress, buying deadstock stationery on ebay

imagining Jackson Pollock turning a van onto its side to paint a mural on it

medical, family 

just got mom home from the hospital, now the part where I try to maintain calm while being hella triggered by having to parent my parent like I'm 16 years old again!!

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.