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today we discussed IMPERIAL SAN FRANCISCO in my graduate reading seminar on technogentrification and im just really proud of all my students

that's all ☺️

165 pound squat today! if you would really like to mess up your perspective on weights and measures, i recommend lifting, because i just looked at that number and sincerely thought 'eh, that's ok _i guess_'

@roseveleth what if you posted a live stream of the head and we can tell you of we see her

@dymaxion @SudoNaaame ...this is definitely _a_ way digital archiving can work, especially the initial intake stage? i've defintitely worked with collections that were unprocessed so this was essentially all the metadata that was available to me?

@dymaxion @SudoNaaame i mean, UMD has a bunch of people working on community archiving, incluing queer community archiving. i'm not sure what you mean by "an approach to metadata that archiving professionals would find abhorrent"?

@kaythaney i need a "shelf of ceramics and glass by pals" to go next to my "shelf of books by pals"

oddletters boosted

@natematias @tim Mols's Center For Lifting and Just Being A Silly Little Guy

@tim for ten million dollars i will keep all my opinions to myself.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.