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@owen weirdly the subreddits where i've noticed this the most are tea related???

@shovemedia i have no idea and i also suspect these folks dont know either

because i have never even _thought_ about this but it seems like every other post that features a photo of a ceramic with a crazed glaze has folks jumping into the comments yelling about "bacteria and mold"

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does anyone know why reddit is obsessed with "mold and bacteria" getting into cracks in ceramic dishes?

@Aranjedeath no idea but my research bio says im interested in public private partnerships so i believe this is entirely within my purview

_on campus food services maybe corruption_

_definitely gonna get my sandwich back and not result in me getting fired_

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hi who here thinks i should write an expose on why my cheap on-campus breakfast sandwich was replaced by one that is literally half as big and two dollars more and try to get the independent student newspaper to publish it

@ted @npseaver i feel like there was a guy at Rochester (?) who was doing sovereign citizens who i met at a D&S workshop years ago

today i lifted 200 pounds three times in a row, which is different than lifting 200 pounds once, three times!

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.